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Legally Kidnapped Home Our Nightmare Fighting Back The American Dream....Communism? We as Americans are brought up to believe that we live in the land of the free where no man is denied his right to pursue happiness. A country where our government recognizes that certain rights are granted to us by God and should remain outside the realm of government, rights that are intangible and should never be denied any man. What happens when the government not only stops respecting those rights but starts taking them away? Where do you turn for help? When the government takes whats most precious to you, your children? When they tell you that these rights that are American institutions that formulate the pride of our countries heritage do not apply to you; that the laws of our country allow them to take your children at the drop of a dime? Who do you call? Who can you turn to for a reprieve from these injustices? What is CPS? The sad truth is that if you are poor, a minority or an immigrant child protective services is waiting with baited breath to swoop in and take your children. CPS/DHS/DCF/DYFS or whatever they go by in your community is a government agency monitored by the department of public welfare and put in place to protect abused children. The truth of the matter is that they receive a large portion of their funding from the federal government which requires them to meet certain criteria in order to qualify for said monies. The state level government is busy trying to manage their budget as it is so why would they complicate their situation with any kind of reform as long as their CPS division can continue doing what they are doing and remain self sufficient running off federal cash? In order to keep their paychecks coming in CPS needs to justify their existence. How better to do that than by showing Uncle Sam all the poor abused and neglected children that require those federal funds to be taken care of? The only problem with this beautiful child saving machine is that there arent enough truly abused children out there (or at least not enough making it to their attention) to keep all of these cushy state jobs flowing so some have to be manufactured. This is how my family came to be victims of their help. The Face of My Abused and Neglected Children How It All Began My wife and I have been battling with CPS for over seven years now from what began as an act of retaliation from my father-in-law. He and my wife have had a strained relationship (to say the least) her entire life. He began threatening us with CPS shortly after my first son was born and ever since then, whenever there is an argument or fight between us and him, he calls and makes allegations of drug abuse, domestic violence, etc. Like any normal, innocent Americans, when CPS arrived at our door we assumed we would simply show them that these calls were completely false and that would be the ends of it. I have never been so wrong. Despite having not a shred of evidence to support a word of their allegations, they walked away with our children only to hand them to guess who? Thats right, their grandparents!!! The same people who made the accusations! CPS treated us like complete criminals while threatening us to force cooperation only to take our children anyway when we finally cooperated with them. After realizing how easily they could take our children away, my in-laws have continued to consistently call CPS on a regular basis, attempting to gain permanent custody. When we ask the division how we can protect ourselves from these malicious attacks they tell us we cant. The list of unethical and illegal things done to us by CPS over the last few years is so extensive and heinous that most people I tell my story to dont believe me. Check out Our Story to see all of the details, you wont believe it either however, as sad as it is, most people who have encountered CPS at any point will know just how true or story is and likely have one of their own to tell.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 05:15:01 +0000

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