Legendary Leadership (Deborah) > Each night it was the same - TopicsExpress


Legendary Leadership (Deborah) > Each night it was the same routine: rinse teeth, change clothes and off to bed but never to sleep without a story first. Her children especially loved hear her tell Deborah stories about their hero. The family favorite? The story of Barak and Sisera. Sometimes, she whispered, as she tucked them in, I even think I saw her smiling. It was long time ago, but she remembered her hero as if it were yesterday. She grew up near the Palm of Deborah, during a time when her family lived in oppression and fear. Those were dark days. . . until Deborah came. Now when she recounted the stories to her boys, she tried to remember everything just as it was: The slight curl at the corners of Judge Deborahs lips that formed whenever she was deep in thought. Deborahs serious concentration when Barak breathlessly announced Siseras encroaching ironclad army. She remembered how Deborah got a faraway look in her eyes; it was almost as if her mind were somewhere else altogether drawing perspective, honing her instincts, receiving a wise word. She was a prophet! her youngest Reuben gasped and tugged at his blanket. A prophetess, she corrected him kindly. What happened next? Of course, her boys knew what happened next they could even tell the story themselves, like any Israelite child could do. They were enamored with the legendary heroism, battle, treachery and victory surrounding the story of Deborah, Barak, Sisera and Jael. She smiled as she found her place in the story again. This was the most exciting story about Deborah, but she recalled the simple acts of leadership that Deborah had provided in those first days of turmoil after the death of Sisera. She observed her honor up close. She respected her work ethic, admired her utter dependence on God for strength and marveled at her wisdom. Can we sing the song? Reubens voice interrupted and whispered in the darkness. Just the last part? Just once, she smiled. You start. . . So . . .may . . .all. . . he started slowly. Your enemies perish, O LORD big brother joined in. But may they who love you be like the sun . . . Before they had finished the last verse together, both boys were asleep. She continued contentedly singing softly to herself, trimmed the lamp and tiptoed out their room. -Prayer- LORD, as you provided wisdom for Deborah, give me wisdom in all my decisions and responsibilities. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. Goodnight and God bless you.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:17:36 +0000

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