Legendary violonists: George Enescu, the prodigy child When - TopicsExpress


Legendary violonists: George Enescu, the prodigy child When good music leaves its country of origin George EnescuBorn on 19th august 1881 in Liveni village, Romania, the last child of his parents and the only survivor nonetheless, Enescu had from whom to inherit the love for music: his mother played the guitar, while his father the violin. He received his first violin when he was just 4 years old and in less than one year managed to impress people that were experts in the domain By ROXANA CIUPARIU from Bucharest, ROMANIA Some of the worlds great musical talents are less known to others or were forgotten with the passing of time, due to different causes. This partially applies to George Enescu, Romanian composer and violinist, prodigy child and man appreciated by the Romanian Royal Court and the French nation, as well as the rest of the world in the beginning of 1900s until 1950s. Being given the chance to travel, this man has seen the world and impressed it with his majestic use of the violin and with that creativity that allowed him to compose such beautiful pieces of music. He was recognized internationally as an artist, a genius, in a time when the 20th century was hit by two world wars. A child is born Born on 19th august 1881 in Liveni village, Romania, the last child of his parents and the only survivor nonetheless, Enescu had from whom to inherit the love for music: his mother played the guitar, while his father the violin. He received his first violin when he was just 4 years old and in less than one year managed to impress people that were experts in the domain, such as Professor Eduar Caudella, who, when the child was 7, suggested that the child should go and study in Vienna, which did happen. From now on, the friendship between the two was consolidated and will last until their deaths. In Vienna he met Brahms and got better acquainted with his compositions, which made his years there enjoyable and formed him for the future. After a short return back home he left again, this time for Paris, where he studied among important colleagues, such as Maurice Ravel, but also, encouraged by friends and with the help of Alexandra Bibescu, part of one of the most appreciated Romanian noble families at the time, managed to get known and imposed himself upon the musical stage in Paris, and, thus, he got acquainted with even more imported people from different areas, people such as Marcel Proust. George EnescuLive and Oeuvres At the age of 15 he already composed Poema Româna (The Romanian Poem), which obtained great success on the Parisian stage when presented it for the first time in 1898. This masterpiece was a mixture of influences from Vienna and Paris, but with the accent put on the Romanian traditional music, drawing the attention that he has no forgot where he is coming from, what his background is, and what is beautiful in Romanian music. He also composed Sonata I pentru Vioara si Pian (Sonata no. I for Piano and Violin) in the same year, but, unlike the first one, in this one and the following more upon his return home, he clearly delineates his style. Enescu returned to Romania in the spring of 1900, and he took over the lead of the symphonic orchestra of Bucharest, presenting his first oeuvre and continuing his compositions. He frequented the Romanian royal family, being loved by the entire Royal family and by the majority of the nobility at court. Since now on, his life will be divided between Paris and Romania, travelling from one to another, as well as to other destinations in Europe and even America, although always returning back home. During the First World War he participated in morally supporting the army, elevating people of their sufferance by organising concerts and enchanting them with his compositions and his lovely play of violin. One of his most famous compositions is formed of two parts and appeared in 1901-1902: Rapsodia Român? nr. 1 and Rapsodia Român? nr. 2 (Romanian Rhapsody no. 1 and 2). The uniqueness and enchantment is given by the passing from one instrument to another in a perfect combination which, not one moment, fells into boredom or loses its sense. However, his major masterpiece remains Oedip, which was composed in a time when Europe was still struggling with the effects from one war while being on the verge of another, and was inspired from the story of the mythological character with the same name. George Enescu MuseumBecause of his view on fascism due to Romanias situation in the Second World War, his visits are shorter, but he never gave up coming here. His last visit to Romania ended after the war, in September 1946. His health did not allow him to fulfil his promise of returning once more to his home land, the great artist dying on the 4th of May 1955, at Paris, while his thoughts for sure flew to Romania, his home country which he never forgot and whom paid homage to him even during his years of absence, by playing at least one of his oeuvres at each concert organised. Eternal recognition: the George Enescu music festival In 1956, Romania decided to transform the Cantacuzino Palace into the National Museum George Enescu, museum eulogizing music, but dedicated mostly to the great artist. The museum hosts numerous belongings of the great Romanian composer, including his first violin. This transformation of the Palace into museum was made possible also because Princess Maruca Cantacuzino, belonging to one of the richest Romanian noble family, married George Enescu in 1939. Two years later, Romanians organised the George Enescu International Festival and Competition, as recognition of this genius, in order to pay homage to his life and extraordinary, brilliant mind. Although internationally launched, because of lack of funds which was due mostly to the influence of the communist regime in power in Romania, in 1971 the festival was stopped. After the fall of the communist regime in 1989, the festival came to life once again and has ever since been organised every year and still has international recognition. This years edition, the 29th in number is organised in the period 30 August - 26 September. (Published: 20.08.2009.)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 09:38:50 +0000

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