Legends of Valdos Episode 31: Partners in - TopicsExpress


Legends of Valdos Episode 31: Partners in pursuit (Trintervalinand city) Emperor STARG: commander what’s the status on the STARG king. STARG commander: Construction on STARG king is 90% complete. Power levels are rising! Emperor STARG: Excellent commander! And this time I’ll make sure that Valdos and his team will not destroy my greatest plan! Dark MVK! The dark MVK approaches and kneels to the Emperor. Dark MVK: What is my bidding my master? Emperor STARG: You have great powers even greater than mine! And I want you to cause chaos in this world and then you will destroy Valdos when he arrives! Dark MVK: as you wish my lord! Emperor STARG: Now we shall see he has the greatest potential in the universe! MWHA HA! (Mountain grove valley, freedom fighter headquarter base) Valdos, Shadow and Sally were in a small room above a big, training room, watching the Husky’s doing some training. Valdos: Well, I have to admit you and the other huskies have great fighting skills, great accuracy, and teamwork. Shadow: yeah, me and some of my friends have been fighting and protecting through our lives! We believe we were born for this! Valdos increases the level of training to level 8, a few STARGs were put up and their lasers were set to stun. The 3 continue watching the huskies. The Huskies advance forward, avoiding the hell storm of laser fire. Night-flash: alright boys u know what to do here! Fire-fly you’re our best and fastest shooter, now get out there and hold the off, while we sneak up to them on the side Fire-fly: Got it chief! Fire-fly bends up and shoots at the STARGs ahead of him, and the STARGs struggle to aim and shoot at Fire-fly. While Night-flash and some other huskies sneak up to the STARGs on the side. Night-flash: okay... 3, 2, 1 GO! Night-flash and the huskies charge to the STARGs and cut their heads off, but are still operationally. Night-flash: Ram attack now! Ram dashes up to the STARGs and planets a pulse grenade in one, the Huskies run past them and take cover. The pulse grenade goes off and they are all destroyed. The Huskies get in an elevator and return back up to Valdos and Sally. Sally: You Huskies made exceptional performance out there! Well done I think we have a great advantage now! You may take a break now! (Sapphire lake) The dark MVK and a few STARGs march forward outside a village. STARG commander: My lord why have we come to this peaceful village? Dark MVK: If the Emperor wants me to destroy Valdos, then we must let him come to us. By making him see the deaths of harmless children Dark MVK raises his sword and walks dashes quickly up to the children and starts the slaughter. The Huskies walk out of the training room and back to their camping huts! Valdos just walks round the place, because he was still a little depressed with his friend, the MVK being the Emperor’s apprentice! And without taking noticing, he accidently trips over a root in the ground. Then a girl Half Manned wolf quarter hedgehog and quarter husky comes over to help him. Jess: Hey are you all right? Valdos: yes I am sorry, I guess I got a little distracted! What’s your name? Jess: my name is Jess! Valdos: Oh, you must be Lt. Shadow’s daughter! Jess: Yes I am, and you must be the IVK! Ur majesty. Valdos: Just call me Valdos. Jess: So what’s the matter Valdos? you look sad. Valdos: Yes I am Jess; I used to a great friend that always helped me in battle. And now, I’ve lost him. Jess: I’m sorry that you lost him! Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll think of a way to bring him back and then restore freedom. Valdos: “I’m not sure about that my dear, because the MVK is more powerful than me, I’m not sure the word freedom will ever come to us. *sighs* Before the two could continue talking. Roto comes in, dashing to Valdos panting Roto: Valdos it’s the MVK! He’s attacking the village by sapphire lake! He wants to talk to you immediately. Valdos and the rest walk to the communication room, and have contact with the dark MVK. dark MVK: I have already slaughtered half of the village and more the villager will die! If you don’t come and face me! The MVK is off contact and Valdos just stands still in silent, with no plans or ideas. Shadow: We’d best send a big squad to the village. Valdos: No! The MVK is too powerful to go up against! He’d destroy u all in just 10 seconds I must face him alone! Sally: Valdos you can’t be serious, he’s too much of match for you to face alone. Roto: She’s right Valdos, it’ll be suicide! And your never get the kids back in one piece. Valdos: well I’ve got no other choice. Shadow: Well I think you should take someone with you, to the kids out while you fight the MVK. Valdos: Mmm… you maybe right Shadow! I’ll take someone with me then! Shadow: Valdos, I want you to take my daughter Jess with you. She always wanted to go and explore more, and be a partner of someone. Valdos: Mmm… very well then! Jess: Valdos I am honored to be with you! Valdos: sure, just follow my orders and don’t get in my way! Valdos walks out of the room waiting for Jess to come, Jess follows Valdos but Shadow just stops her for a minute Shadow: are you sure you’re ready Jess. Jess: Dad! I feel like I’ve haven’t done much, but just sit in that tent every day and be a healer and I want to see what’s out there! Shadow: Okay I understand, just be careful my dear! Jess: I will daddy. Jess follows Valdos and both head over to the village. 10 minutes later they reach near the village and look above a hill. Valdos uses binoculars to check where the villagers are being held. Valdos: Okay, it looks like the villagers are put in that hut over there. Jess: Alright so what’s the plan? Valdos: I going to have to face the MVK myself while you sneak up round and get everyone out! Jess: So how am I going to do this use stealth shoot my way through? Valdos: Don’t worry I’ve got the perfect thing for you. Later on Valdos walks in the village with caution, and is armed with his cyber saber. The village was a wreck; huts were blazing on fire and were surrounded by corpses. Then above a crate stood a shadowy figure, it was the dark MVK! Dark MVK: Valdos I would have thought you would of run off, than face me! Valdos: MVK I know there’s good in you so do us both a favor and surround peaceful I can help you! Dark MVK: You’re a bigger fool than I thought, now feel the wrath of the dark MVK! The Dark MVK tries to get Valdos with some needles with spheres on top of them, but misses him. Valdos: You obviously need target practice you missed me! Dark MVK: I wasn’t aiming for you. The needles that surrounded Valdos were glowing a bit, and then suddenly lighting was striking down at Valdos! The needles were actually little lighting rods. Valdos regains his strength, and then punches the ground, which creates a little earthquake, and the ground shifts upwards up a little and the MVK loses his balance and falls to the ground. Valdos quickly makes contact with Jess! Valdos: Okay Jess move in! Jess was moving in to the village in a small box. Jess: I feel ridiculous doing this! I could take these guys out easily instead of sneaking past them. Valdos: never underestimate your enemies, and it’s better sneaking up to them instead of alerting thousands! Jess: *sighs* Alright but I’m not comfortable with this. Jess crawls her way slowly to where the villagers were being held captive by the STARGs. While Valdos continues fighting the dark MVK. The dark MVK runs up to Valdos and both clash their swords. Then MVK grabs Valdos by the chest and throws him in the air, then tries to strike him down with his sword but Valdos avoids his attack. Then the dark MVK punches him at 10 mph and crashes through each hut, and the MVK teleports to the other side, and grabs Valdos when he reaches him and electrocutes him! Valdos collapses to the ground in pain, then gets in contact with Jess. Valdos: Jess… how are you doing. Jess: I can see the villagers, in the hut ahead, and only two STARGs I’ll take them out carefully. how are about you? Valdos: well… you could say I’m getting pounded here. Jess: Are you okay? Valdos: Never mind about me just got out of here with th- Jess loses contact with Valdos because the MVK drags Valdos and keeps pushing him to the wall may times. Jess: Valdos? Valdos! Are you there? Jess turns off her communicator and gets closer to the 2 STARGs, and without them noticing she pushes a pulse grenade in the two STARGs and both blow up before they could shoot at Jess. Jess then gets the villagers out of the village before the dark MVK could notice. While Valdos is still being pounded by the dark MVK. Dark MVK: Valdos, I’ll admit you have grown stronger. But, you’ll never defeat the dark MVK! It’s time to end this goodbye IVK! Dark MVK puts his sword above Valdos’ neck, but suddenly a yellow laser beam shoots at the dark MVK and above the hills, Valdos saw another wolf in a golden armored suit. Valdos just stays down and stares blindly at the gold armored wolf. Soleleus (golden armored wolf): Okay now it’s my turn! The wolf leaps down and waits for the dark MVK to attack first. The dark MVK rushes up to the wolf and strikes him down with his sword, but vanishes like a ghost. The wolf attacks the dark MVK from the back with a flame sword. The dark MVK’s back burns a little, but extinguishes it with his ice shield. The gold wolf, stands in front of the dark MVK. Soleleus: Okay! It’s time a gold streak! The golden wolf suddenly rushes and attacks the MVK with his blade faster than the eye could see! Then the MVK collapse down in pain. Dark MVK: Grr, you have powerful allies with you Valdos and next time you won’t be so lucky! The dark MVK teleports back to the TV city, Valdos get’s up and thanks the golden wolf. Valdos: thanks for help! Soleleus: All in the line of duty your highness. I must go now be careful out of there next time! Valdos: Wait! Who are you? Soleleus: I’m Soleleus one of the seven golden guardians! Soleleus walks away and vanishes out of sight; Valdos just stood still and was amazed by what and who he had met! Valdos: The golden guardians and I thought they were just a legend! Jess: Valdos! I’ve gotten everyone out! Valdos: good work Jess! Then above the hills they saw an army of STARGs heading towards them! Valdos: What how did they- Jess did you turn off their communicators like I told you to? Jess: Um, maybe not! Valdos: Ugh, I told you to shoot at their communicators first! But there’s time for arguing come on let’s get passed them! Valdos raises up his cyber saber and cuts down some of the STARGs, with Jess following him. Then halfway Jess tries throws a grenade at a STARG but misses and lands near Valdos. Jess: Sorry. Valdos: Who’s side on you anyway. Valdos runs away from the grenade and continues fighting. 5 minutes alter the got through safely, and Jess sits down on a rock looking sad. Valdos walk up and sits next to her. Valdos: Your brave, but wreck less sometimes little one. You wouldn’t have made back as one of the huskies partner. But you might as mine… Jess looks up and smiles slightly at Valdos. Valdos: Come on let’s back. The two panthers walk back to base, as the golden guardian watches over them. Who is this mysterious guardian is he the key to freeing this world… ((comment below if u want to share ur ideas with me hope u liked it))
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 18:00:40 +0000

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