Legionnaire of the Week – Stephanie Foley This week, the - TopicsExpress


Legionnaire of the Week – Stephanie Foley This week, the special honour goes to one of the school teachers in the group, Stephanie Foley. Steph is one of our many members, who attends our classes for the social side of things, keeping fit as a hobby. She loves all the challenging workouts thrown her way and all the fun and variety our classes have to offer. Always smiling, never complaining, with a great training intensity, Steph’s fitness has steadily grown over the past 9 months she has been with LFL. Steph attends on average 4-5 sessions per week, showing a healthy addiction to her fitness. When we analyse her body composition statistics, as Steph mentions below, she has actually increased her weight by 1-2kgs. This is explained by the fact that Steph has actually increased her muscle mass by 3-4kgs while losing 4-5% body fat. Another important statistic is Steph has reduced her metabolic age to 19. Not bad for a ?? year old (can’t reveal her age but it’s a great result!). Steph has achieved these results due to her consistency with training as well as incorporating “clean-eating” into her lifestyle. Here’s what Steph had to say: “I joined Legion Fitness after seeing it on Facebook and its fair to say I was instantly hooked. The classes are so varied, so challenging but perhaps the most enticing part is that theyre actually fun! Training has become my hobby rather than a forced necessity. At first my goals were based around body weight and losing kgs. Ive now come to realise that its so much more than how much I weigh on the scale. In fact I now weigh more than I did when I started training with Legion. These days I place value on how I feel, how hard I push myself at training and how I feel in my clothes. The nutritional information that Ive learned since joining the group has been amazing. Ross, Luke and everyone in the group share nutritional advice, tips and recipes. In regards to clean eating, my fiancé and I have taken all this information on board and our diets have changed completely. My fiancé has actually lost 12kg since January. To anyone who is not sure whether to join Legion or not, I honestly say, do it. I dont know how I trained before without Ross. Hes committed to helping every single person in our group to meet their goals. He pushes me to do more than I ever thought I could do. More than that, the support from the girls is just amazing. I joined Legion soon after moving to Sydney from Melbourne, not knowing many people and have now developed some amazing friendships. The friendships and support you receive from being part of Legion is the best part.” Here is a brief video of Steph in action at training!!
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 06:45:00 +0000

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