Legislation to allow auto dealers to sell low-priced vehicles - TopicsExpress


Legislation to allow auto dealers to sell low-priced vehicles “as is,” without warranties, is a perennial at the Legislature. However, one would think that in the first session with a car dealer as Senate president, the kibosh would have been put on the bill this year for the sake of public image. No such luck, with this year’s “as is” bill being one of the first pieces of legislation introduced in the Senate this session. While Cole is not a sponsor, his majority leader (Mitch Carmichael, R-Jackson) is, and Cole opted to single-reference the bill to Judiciary Committee, which improves its odds of surviving the legislative process. Court records show that since 2007, Cole Automotive Group, Cole Chevrolet-Cadillac, and Cole Nissan have been defendants in 10 lemon law or auto fraud lawsuits. (Lemon laws apply to the sale of defective vehicles, whereas auto fraud deals with misrepresentations or non-disclosures at the time of sale.) While 10 suits in eight years is probably a decent record for dealerships of that size -- and arguably, they could be symptomatic of the so-called “judicial hellhole” status -- the introduction of the bill this year looks bad under the circumstances. - See more at: wvgazette/article/20150124/ARTICLE/150129583/1419#sthash.9hhmn9Gr.dpuf
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 05:28:20 +0000

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