Legitimacy is key in Holy Orders... its not all about a title... - TopicsExpress


Legitimacy is key in Holy Orders... its not all about a title... The argument of being Hung up on titles is an excuse. You cant tell your supervisor or the president of the company that hes just like you and his title doesnt matter. He like us bishops have paid the price to receive the honor respect and dignity that comes with the title. President Barak Obama wouldnt simply be addressed as Barak in a formal/public setting. You wouldnt go to court and call the judge Jim or Betty There is a grace given to the true descendants of the early/original Apostles that comes through proper ordinations and succession. You simply cant wake up one day and say God said im a bishop or an Apostle then begin to act and function as one... You are perpetuating illegitimacy and the spirit of the bastard. And shame on the one who refuses to become legitimate. Me being an advocate for legitimate bishops and apostles I refuse to associate with the aforementioned. Young old large or small… Ive recently disconnected with several pastors both locally and nationally because of their mockery to such an esteemed office. You know very well if NOBODY laid hands on you to ordain you anything...
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:50:25 +0000

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