Lemme explain this whole #ILLUMNI thing yall see me posting about. - TopicsExpress


Lemme explain this whole #ILLUMNI thing yall see me posting about. I am the co-owner and CEO of a record label called Illest Alumni Records with my partner Illest Uminati. Signed to our label are Key McCarthy, Matt Olyghost, and Chucc Dizzle. #ILLUMNI is a fan based support system that we have created. If you are #ILLUMNI that means you have expressed interest in being a part of our movement and family. What that means is supporting our music, going to our shows, helping to promote, and being considered more as family rather than just a fan. The way we have it set up is anyone who is a part of #ILLUMNI can work their way up to the point where we appoint you as the President of your own #ILLUMNI chapter where you can then appoint people to become a part of your team. #ILLUMNI will do things for the community like fund raisers, potlucks, food drives, etc...essentially, being a member of #ILLUMNI means that youre a part of something greater than yourself that will always have your back no matter what. We do not judge people, do not care how much money you have, or how cool you are. When Illest Alumni Records artists come to your city, the first people we call are #ILLUMNI members so we can have the chance to meet you one on one, eat with you, laugh with you, and ultimately get to know you personally just like we would our own family. Just like you have our back, we have yours. Likewise, the idea here is that when an #ILLUMNI member travels to another city, they have other #ILLUMNI they can call to hang out with, break bread with, etc...Whether youre an #ILLUMNI artist or an #ILLUMNI fan we are all one family who are all equal! If youre interested in becoming #ILLUMNI shoot me a message and we can work it out! If youre an artist, you CAN earn a spot on our artist roster but DO NOT approach us and ask to be put on...we see whos repping us...if you want to be on the artist roster, show us by demonstrating you are loyal to the movement, self supportive, and professional...if we want you on the artist roster WE WILL APPROACH YOU ABOUT IT...just work hard, stay positive at all times, and you may be asked to join the Elite!........so now you know what it means when you see us post #ILLUMNI....its our family we are talking to!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 00:55:35 +0000

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