Lemme mention some countries by the way the most popular idolship - TopicsExpress


Lemme mention some countries by the way the most popular idolship that are serving devils and idols. Nigeria, India, Arabia, Egypt, China, Japan, and England. Those who are coming from those countries you know what exavtly I mean those idols. Devil has qualified most people in Nigeria, and India, China, Egypt. Those are main demons who are following peoples practicalazion and England I know some part as I went, people who are practicing magics and those who are lifted and promoted false-spreaders, distributors of poisons but God is warning those who destroy people Gods plan, Who God has appointed them and theyre killing em. God certainly is gonna revenge dearly to them. Even some part of the countries Satan is promoting depending the value of their great enchantments and evil powers. Thesere the spiritual terrorists and spiritual killers. We shouldnt rejoice on that, this can kill many innocent people. You need to fight to free them and liberate them thats our plan for God to let them free from evil powers. So those mentioned be a warning unto you today. Other part of the world be warned. Those who come to seek Jesus in false way be warned now.Friends to whats suppose to do and follow Jesus. Immediately you put all your trust in God, you start experiencing new things in life, because the answer you need is Jesus the burden-bearer, whichll bear all your burdens and sorrows. Dont limit Jesus above all that names. Millions peoples of all that nations have tried this Jesus, and have got their life changed. Praise God. I tell you the truth break-through all over, sickness healed, blind gotten sight, the barren conceived a child, the helpless became helped, sinners transformed to saints, property lost been restored, disappointments made to appointments, life-lost and to life-saved,, property been acquired and other great change things. Praise Goooooooooooooooooood. God is Good and hell be for those who think hes not. The Kingdom living and the Kingdom prosperity is for you as you give your life to Jesus Christ. Blessing shall be in your house, say God Amen. Maintain all the words youre reading them. The most things you will see happening its when youll not go back where you were. The msot things you should try to avoid is spending much time of thinking negative, stopping complaining about your problems, stop making lots of vow you cant fulfill them, stop deceiving yourself to others, stop punishing people for their innocency, stop fighting and quarrelling, stop sinning, stop other things that relates to satans property and his doing, stop obeying him to lead his hell fire. Do you need a special council or help? 1) Seek Jesus 2) Seek your leader or man of God. Finaly I say this in love: SILVER NOR GOLD I HAVENT, ONLY THE WORD OF GOD IVE FOR YOU NOW. TAKE MY LOVERS, TAKE THEM! God Bless You
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:53:31 +0000

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