Lemon story !!! By Dr. Harold Gunatillake Health Writer According - TopicsExpress


Lemon story !!! By Dr. Harold Gunatillake Health Writer According to ayurveda and herbal medicine, lemons are the most valuable of all fruits, used in decoctions for the preservation of health. Lemon has been used by various cultures around the world since antiquity to improve and maintain health of mankind, down the ages. Lemons have potent phytochemicals to fight against inflammation, enhance immunity. Nero, the emperor of Rome, drank large quantities of lemon drinks to counteract attempts on his life by poisoning. A glass of hot water with a squeeze of lemon is a great cleanser first thing in the morning. Citric Acid Lemons have about 8 percent citric acid. There was a time when one could buy citric acid powder from the chemists over the counter. It was an ingredient in some of the Western prescriptions for sore throats, irritations and coughs. Citric acid was used in soaps as a cleaning product. Vitamin C Lemon juice is also rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. It is helpful in healing wounds, is required for the formation of collagen in fibrous healing of skin wounds. Supposed to fight tumors. So, it is assumed that lemon juice will fight cancer. If that is true all fruits will fight cancer? Toxicology The erosive effects of lemon juice on tooth enamel have also been evaluated. One study finds loss of gloss, alteration in enamel colour, and irregular dental tissue loss upon morphological analysis. Always dilute lemon juice with water, if you are a regular user. Bioflavonoids in lemon juice Bio-flavonoids generally strengthen blood vessels and prevent fragility. Lack of vitamin C in the blood can cause oozing of blood through the vessel walls. These flavonoids are supposed to be beneficial for eye health. High In Potassium Lemon juice has high potassium content as in most fruits and some vegetables. Helps contraction of heart muscles, and forms part of the electrolyte balance in the body fluids and blood. Those who suffer from kidney disease should limit their fruit consumption to avoid high blood potassium levels (hyper-kalaemia) Medicinal uses As mentioned earlier lemon fruits are very popularly used by herbalists and ayurvedic physicians in their decoctions. It is a strong astringent and can be used to gargle the throat. It is a cooling drink used during inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, and fevers. Lemon juice offers valuable nutritional benefits and also can cleanse the body and cultivate a strong immune system to fight diseases. Always dilute lemon juice with water before drinking to prevent enamel decay. Heart burn Lemon juice will enhance heart burn due to its acidity, well diluted with hot water eases the heart burn discomfort. Constipation Lemon juice helps to relieve constipation. The action may be due to the mild irritant effects of vitamin C and citric acid. Diuretic Like most other fruit juices, tea and coffee, lemon juice is a mild diuretic (passing more urine) Urinary Disinfectant Citric acid works as an antiseptic by changing the acidity of the urine. Certain kidney stones are formed in alkaline urine, and by changing the pH to the acid side one could prevent stone (Calculi) formations in the kidneys. Doctors prescribe ‘citravascent’ and ‘Ural’ in such situations. Lemon juice also rids of harmful bacteria and toxins in the urine. The best lemons Two main varieties of lemon – Eureka (thick skinned) and the Lisbon (thinner skin). Store in a bowl for up to 10 days Avoid exposure to moisture as they will mould.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 10:01:56 +0000

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