LemonGrass! Lemon Basil! Were at the tail end of seedling - TopicsExpress


LemonGrass! Lemon Basil! Were at the tail end of seedling season, but theres still time to grow herbs for food and medicine, to use fresh or to dry for winter! If you have some space in your garden, want to add some chamomile in as companion plants with your garlic and onions, or want to have a pot of Tulsi or Rue in front of your home, be in touch ASAP this week!! I have: CHAMOMILE - great for babies of all ages. helps promote rest, soothes menstrual cramp and muscle tension and skin irritation. make a calming tea or skin-soothing massage oil. companion plant for onions/garlic. reseeds itself. meditative practice harvesting the flowers! CINNAMON BASIL- grown for Miss Beatrices memorial garden and the Remedios project. Used in Mexico at markets by vendors or planted in front of the house to bring good luck. Used in limpias (brushing with fresh herbs to cleanse one of negative energ) LEMON AND LIME BASIL - delicious in food both fresh and dried! Adds a burst of citrus flavor to soups, chicken, infused in vinegar, etc. LEMONGRASS! - delicious fresh or dried as a tea that is beneficial for digestion and headaches, is calming, and good for colds and flu season. i love w/ lemon balm -double lemon! used in thai (and other) cooking and as a delicious tea throughout latin america. needs to be brought inside in a pot to survive the winter here. OREGANO- used for soups, infused honey, respiratory steams. supports the immune, respiratory, and digestive system. perennial. RUE- grown for Miss Beatrices memorial garden and the Remedios project. beautiful, powerfully fragrant blue-green leaves with distinctive yellow blossoms. i grow this in a pot (so i can bring it in in the winter, as sometimes it survives the winter, sometimes no) as a protective plant. a plant special both in ireland and mexico. one of Miss Beatrices favorite plants, along with Marigold and Basil. i made a flower water (hydrosol) of these 3 plants to a cleansing and protective spray for my sleepspace. it is anti-parasitic and recently learned that it can be taken as a tea for menstrual cramps. its a strong plant, so if you want to take it internally, start with small doses. or use it as an external/spiritual plant. SPILANTHES- similar immune-enhancing properties to Echinacea, but you can make medicine NOW this season, no need to wait for 3rd year roots like Echinacea! great alternative for those with sensitivities to Echin. has a numbing effect on the mouth and throat, helping relieve toothache pain til you can get to a dentist, and soothing a sore/raw throat. gum drop flowers and leaves both used for medicine - as tea,tincture, or mouthwash - as well as in spicy cooking to help cool the mouth by stimulating salivation. TULSI/HOLY BASIL- basically good for everything. a sacred plant in india. medicinally, it helps our bodies adapt to stress/change, supports the adrenals, respiratory system, liver, and more. its delicious both fresh and dried as a tea, or infused in brandy and/or honey. the bees love it and you can get 2-3 abundant harvests from it. these seedlings are from seeds ive saved. all plants $3-5, with 1-6 plants in each pot. They can be reserved and then picked up at the Plainfield Farmers Market this Friday 4-7pm. Or private message me for other arrangements. (this info supplies just a tid bit of the many medicinal properties of these plants and remedies that can be made with them. if you are drawn to a plant, research it more. and grow it!)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 17:02:54 +0000

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