Lena Katina Interview in Only Stars magazine The red-headed - TopicsExpress


Lena Katina Interview in Only Stars magazine The red-headed ex-t.A.T.u. member disappeared from the Russian music scene. Fans have gotten worried: where did their favorite girl go? What is she up to? Did she leave music behind? Only Stars searched for Lena in L.A. and spoke to her from the heart. The singer, who turns 30 this year, shared her thoughts on love and family, talking about her relationship with her husbands parents and about the yearning for her homeland, openly admitting that she dreams of being a mother. You sing and speak in English very well. Where did you learn the language? I studied English in school, it came easily to me, and then I had practice with it for many years. We have been in the U.S. since 2003 and I have lived in L.A. for the last 4 years. I have been speaking so much! I remember when I first came to America, it was when Julia and I flew to accept the MTV award in New York. As young girls, we were fascinated with everything, everything made us happy, it was a completely different world! Everything was new, we looked at all of it with wide-open eyes, running around shopping centers buying things. We left there on September 9th, having taken a photo with the famous skyscrapers in the background, and then on September 11th they were gone. It is such a tragedy, so many people died! It was a shock when we were coming back to Moscow. Now, your name is well-known all over the world, you were even able to surpass Madonna. Did this experience change your life? I cannot say that my life changed extremely. In an artistic sense, it is pleasant for any performer to be noticed and appreciated, when you have a chance to be successful. Of course, now this is the subject of my pride, just like the song Never Forget. DJs noticed it right away and began playing my music and I was invited to perform more. Right now I have a new song, Lift Me Up, remixed by Dave Aude. It was also noticed and entered the top 30 in the American charts, and it is rising every week, in fact. And in regards to surpassing Madonna, it is very flattering for me because I have loved this undoubtedly magnificent artist for a long time! Madonna is one of the most strongest members of the music scene in the world, you cannot not like her. Her creative work is so huge that, in my opinion, every person can find a song which they like. However, I like other artists too. Depending on my mood, I listen to Hurts, Arctic Monkeys, Roxette, Pink, Garbage. Everything is in such spirit! The Russian performers I like are Zemfira and Sergey Lazarev. Actually, Sergey Lazarev is one of the singers whos views interest me because they are always honest. Lena, the amount of fans you have grows daily. How do the American listeners show their love to you? The same way that fans from other countries do. They give me flowers, stuffed toys, wish me happy holidays, come to my concerts, and respond to my requests. For example, when we began shooting the video for Lift Me Up we came up with an idea to include photos of my followers in it. I turned to my fans in my official online portals and many people responded. I am very thankful to them, I am certainly lucky that my work is valued by people who are very loving and easy to uplift. I know that some performers say that they are given apartments, cars, and jewelry as gift, but I have not received or have been offered expensive gifts from fans, thank God! I would not be able to accept them! Fans often give me bracelets, pendants, mugs...They are always valuable because the main thing is consideration! I ask to not do it every time! Either way all of these things remain in boxes and many of the toys have made their way to foster homes...So if fans want to give me a gift then I will admit that I love tea a lot! Last time I was in Japan I received a bunch of Japanese tea! I delightfully drink it and think about those who gave it to me! You recently got married to Sasho Kuzmanovich, tells us how you met? We have known each other for a while, and actually, April 1st is our anniversary, this year will be our 4th one. We celebrate it in the same restaurant in Malibu- its our tradition! When Sasho and I started talking we somehow understood right away that we are one whole. We were so comfortable spiritually that we began living together right away and after 2 years he proposed! We have a creative component in our union- my husband is a composer and a wonderful singer. Once, before we began seeing one another, I was at his concert and thought what a talented young man he was! And then I simply fell in love with this man. I value kindness, affection, responsibility, but amongst this, decisiveness, so he can make a decision when needed! We get married to be there for husbands. It is very important to feel support in a man! It is said that you were married more than once, even in a different country. Yes, this is true! I was lucky enough to have two wedding cakes, two ceremonies, be a princess twice, be happy twice about the event, and it was even in two different countries- In Slovenia and Russia! And I also had two dresses. I bought them in America, there are many wedding boutiques there with many beautiful and luxurious outfits for brides. Picking out a wedding dress is such a process, you will try dresses on until its the one that you have imagined in your childhood. I spent a long time deciding. In the end I picked out to completely different styled dresses. One was short, very delicate and lacy, and the second one was for the ceremony, more puffy with a train and a long veil. I am very pleased with both! Was there a ceremony or did you register at City Hall? For me a wedding is a ceremony! And it is a very responsible step, so that is why we were getting ready for a long time for a celebration in Moscow! After the ceremony I felt that our family was now under protection. The ceremony is a very important moment, I knew from childhood that I will get married once and for all and for sure will have a wedding ceremony. Everything you dream of happens. How as your honeymoon? It happened, but not right away! Of course we wanted to get away and enjoy one another, but...work, work! We left for the honeymoon in January of this year, we picked Hawaii. We stayed at a hotel right on the oceanfront, there is a large amount of mongooses in that area, they are like cats there. During the first days we just relaxed on the beach. Then we decided to go on an excretion! Then we went to see the sunrise on the crater of the Haleakalā volcano. The view was astounding, but it was very cold! It was only 2 degrees celsius (35 fahrenheit), but on the bottom it was in the 30s (80s in fahrenheit)! Thats the kind of difference there was! We came down from there on mountain bikes! We also went snorkeling- swimming underwater. The ocean there is very warm and is swarming with different types of fish. I dream of coming back to Hawaii to see the wales and go out into the ocean to fish since Hawaii is the capital of marlins. How did Sashos parents accept you? After all, it is a different country, a different culture. His parents accepted me very well from the very first time when I just came to meet them, they greeted me as if I was their daughter! Sasho has never brought a girl home to his parents so they viewed me seriously. Sasho has an incredible family! They are very caring, attentive, loving. I got lucky! Now you have the musical project of Lena Katina, and this includes touring, rehearsals, moving around. How does your husband view this type of schedule? It is hard to bear long distances, but everything is possible! Skype helps us a lot, of course. When it is morning in Moscow for me, for him it is already evening time, and vice versa- thats how we call each other. He understands everything as he himself had spent a long time on stage and knows the touring lifestyle firsthand, he always supports me. Sasho always surprises me, putting together surprises for me for when I return. He greets me at the airport with flowers and takes me to my favorite Japanese restaurants or puts together a barbecue in our backyard and invites all our friends. Or we go to the beach at night, where, wrapped in blankets, we watch the sunset and roast marshmallows on a bonfire. Are you planning to have a child? Thats impossible to plan! Whenever God sends one our way...But, of course, I really want to have a big, full family. I want to have at least two kids. We will see! Sasho and I love children very much. But, I do not have experience with this yet, I have only had practice with my friends children. By the way, Sasho is not the only child in his family, just like me. He has an older sister named Sabina, she has to kids, 17 and 12 years old. They are awaiting a niece! First, we would like to have a daughter. Although, a child is such joy that the gender does not matter. Now that you are a housewife, do you have help around the house? Do you cook yourself? I cook myself, and in fact, very well! My specialty dish is a meat soup, Sasho loves it a lot! I can cook a delicious grilled salmon, all types of pastas with seafood and different sauces, vegetable soups and borscht, of course. We have a diverse and multi-cultural kitchen. I do not have help around the house. I do everything myself with pleasure, but I do not cut the grass, thats for sure. Please tell us about your family nest. We are renting a very cozy house in L.A. where everything was done before we moved in. We liked the house and its design as well as its layout and the very kind neighbors. My husband and I love candles! We always have candles everywhere as well as different aromas for the home. We will have to build our own nest in the future, however. I already sometimes think about the design for it. For example, I like the style of the Cullens home from Twilight. In general, I love wood and cozy homes. I am not interested in anything high-tech! Warm, soft colors, high ceilings, huge panoramic windows to the floor- this is very beautiful and the whole house is filled with light. I want the interior to have light tints, not dark, and for our house to have a beautiful fireplace. We must also have a piano or even a music room since we are a musical family. I really want my own garden with cherry trees the aroma of lilacs. The kids room should be in pastel colors. I like when one wall has a picture from a scene out of a fairytale. I did not have a room like this as a child, just a room with a couch, a piano, and wardrobes. I also did not have any childrens furniture. I dont think it matters for the child. The main thing is love and warmth! Things like decorations in a childs room are more of toys for parents. But, during my childhood we did not have such a selection as there is now- something for every type of taste! In general, I feel that as much as I am talking about how much all of this is unnecessary, the time will come when I must ravage my husband,- the singer laughs. 5 years ago you had laser eye surgery. What is your look on plastic surgery? Right now- bad! Bad in the sense that I am afraid of surgeries, but this is a normal topic in America. There are so many girls with new noses, busts, and so one, that it isnt even a big deal. You are a very beautiful, young girl, and it is no surprise that you posed for mens magazines. Would you agree to take part in a revealing photo shoot now? I have the status of a wife, so only if I have permission from my husband! Otherwise, I have nothing against it. The main thing is that it is done by a professional photographer and that I was comfortable working with him. So, if Sasho allowed it, fans would see your beauty? What type of clothing does he prefer? In America, everyone prefers a casual or sports style. My husband and I gladly wear jeans, tank-tops, and sneakers- its comfortable. We try to shop together, but we do this only when it is absolutely necessary- neither Sasho or I like to shop! If he needs something and I am not near by, he can handle it himself. And if I do not approve of his purchases we simply return them. He always waits for me before making a decision.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 17:20:13 +0000

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