Lend me your few minutes please. Thank you. Its been quite a - TopicsExpress


Lend me your few minutes please. Thank you. Its been quite a while since we (I and my team) made any update on Project Clean & Green Environmental Awareness. The reason is not because we forgot or because we got frustrated with the project and gave up. Far from it. We are always quick to condemn unreliable political officials who start a project and abandon it halfway or mismanage it, so commiting same offence would be contradictory to our values. We certainly can not afford that. The specific reason why the awareness has been off social media is simply because we realized that a huge percentage of our task are concentrated offline, not online. As much as we recognise the increasingly influential effect of the social media in todays modern world, we felt it would be more rewarding and effective to take the campaign to the streets. Thats where the bulk of the work is. Dirts are not on the internet. They are on the streets. It was on the backdrop of this that we withdrew from the social media and set to work. Despite our meagre resources and lots of other setbacks, we were able to make little progress. In collaboration with Anambra State Ministry of Environment, Mineral Resources and Letrio Group, weve been able to procure waste-bins (big and small bucket sizes). For the moment, only two markets (OyeAgu market, Abagana & Nkwo Ogidi) and about 4,000 commercial buses have benefited from it. And of course, weve been printing environmental awareness stickers which are sticked mostly in buses or inside offices and schools. We dont stick them on outdoor fences, roadside curbs or abandoned cars, because we realized they end up defacing the environment as well; the exact menace we are fighting against. We understand that our efforts above are nowhere near enough, which is primarily due to our meagre funds and resources, so weve been in talks with Access Bank, Fidelity Bank, Juhel Pharmaceuticals and a few Food/Beverages companies to sponsor the project. Unfortunately, the responses from them so far has not been quite positive. However, all hope is not lost. We will keep appealing and hope they oblige our request. This progress would have been impossible without the collective inspiring efforts of Dr. Amaechi Ekume (Special Adviser to Willie Obiano on Works & Urban Development) and the Pro C n G Team. Dr. Amaechi, particulary has been the cornerstone of this project — Morally and financially, hes been there and we are eternally grateful. Beloved friends, there you have it. Our request to you all is simply to help spread the message of cleanliness. Go ahead and tell everybody. Nigeria is not all bad. We got some good. The collective war we waged against Ebola is a clear testimony. We can do the same here. Thanks for your time. Go Green, Help Clean.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 12:59:52 +0000

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