Lent Devotion #13: How is it with your soul? This was the - TopicsExpress


Lent Devotion #13: How is it with your soul? This was the question asked in class meetings in early Methodism. Seven to twelve people would gather together once a week and simply ask this ONE question to check-in with one another. Some people who participated were Christians while others were just seeking an encounter with God. There is now a renewed interest in Methodism to return to this practice of participating in class meetings and asking this one very important question. How is it with your soul? Its not an easy question to ask. Often, when we ask such a question we secretly hope the answer will be fine, so we can just move on with our day. We get concerned that, if we get a REAL answer, we might be called to do something; we might have to respond, and thats just messy. How is it with your soul? Its not an easy question to answer, either. An honest answer requires us to be vulnerable; to let our guards down and trust the person who asked us the question to take our answer to heart, and to care and love us through our answer. How is it with your soul? Its a question that Methodist pastors are trained to ask, but rarely are asked themselves. Many would have a tough time knowing how to answer the question themselves. In fact, as I write this devotion, Im struggling to know my answer to the question. So, REALLY, How is it with your soul? Today, I encourage you to do two things: 1. Find a quiet time to listen to your mind, body and soul HONESTLY answer this question. Pray about your answer. If you need help, call, text or e-mail me! 2. Take time to honestly ask a friend the same question. Wholly listen to the answer. Pray with your friend and let them know that you truly care. My conviction is that when people risk joining together with others in a common desire to know and love God and neighbor more fully, the Holy Spirit will be present in recognizable ways. Well stop being afraid of our answers, and instead, grow closer to God and one another. How is it with your soul?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 22:00:00 +0000

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