Lent Reflection from the Healing Center where our sweet Haley - TopicsExpress


Lent Reflection from the Healing Center where our sweet Haley works: written by her dear supervisor. Spot on! (the Gospel reference is Matthew 18:21-35) The Parable About the Unforgiving Servant Peter approaches Jesus, asking Lord how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Being generous in Peters own mind he asks, As many as seven times Jesus said to him, I dont say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times. Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. Jesus then tells the parable about the servant who owes his king 10,000 talents and after pleading for mercy is granted release and forgiveness for his owed debt by his king. When he departs his kings presence he encounters a fellow servant who owes him 100 denarii and seizing him, begins choking him and refuses to have mercy demanding that he pay him what he owes and imprisoning him until he pays his debt. Fellow servants are distressed by this and report all to the king...who summons the servant he has forgiven back to him. He confronts him with his attitude and behavior and in anger, delivers the servant to the jailers until he pays back all he owes. Jesus concludes the parable: So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart. Having read this passage many times and being familiar with the story, it came as quite a surprise reading it now to discover... how initially harsh the king seemed to me. Perhaps that is the self-justifying part of me...that too easily identifies with wanting forgiveness but struggling to release it as generously as it has been given to me. Jesus in his mercy revealed one thing to me in this reading that cannot escape me. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your HEART. So many times I have heard it taught that forgiving is an act of the will or an act of obedience. And initially this may be all we can muster... but what is really required is forgiveness in our hearts. With further contemplation, this passage ultimately becomes another representation of the promise of Jesus death in complete humility on the cross and the preparation for his searing words, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. How often do we know not what we do, especially when we hold on to unforgiveness in our own heart? We know not the harm to ourselves or the distance from the Lord that we are creating. Prayer Dearest Lord, may we not only give you our wills and obedience in compliance, may we also give you our whole heart, moved by your example, to enter into a place of compassion and love that allows forgiveness to be given to others just as you have given it to us. As we face the cross, help us face our own brokenness and what we are not capable of releasing in our own strength. Enable us to forgive others as you have forgiven us. Amen. Reflection and Prayer Submitted by: Mrs. Brenda Reid Christ the King Spiritual Life Center 575 Burton Road Greenwich, New York 12834 518-692-9550
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:48:15 +0000

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