Les chep-bandits se livrent a la course poursuite dans lextreme - TopicsExpress


Les chep-bandits se livrent a la course poursuite dans lextreme nord, et on sagite et souhaite que lEtat du Cameroun leur accorde une certaine tribune. Le problème de la répartition de la rançon sest posé aux premières heures. Ici, nous avions déclaré que Mamman Nur le Tchado / Camerounais et par ailleurs chep-ban de Ansaru qui opère dans cette partie du Cameroun avait reçu une somme bien dérisoire. Mots clés: Mesure dexception, Cour Martiale, Haute Trahison... Avant daccuser le Boko Haram, voici son MO: Though both Boko Haram and Ansaru are aligned to a similar Salafist ideology, their are signifcant differences between the two groups related to targets of attacks and geographical areas of operations. Whereas Boko Haram’s objectives tend to be geographically confined, namely the over-throw of the Nigerian government, which it accuses of incompetence, corruption and advancing the interests of the oil-rich south to the neglect of the Muslim-majority north. Voici celui de Ansaru qui a des éléments autant dans lappareil securitaire de Biya et que de Deby. Dans cet article, Mokhtar Belmokhtar a cité: il a été tué lannée dernière. Ansaru has also distanced itself from the modus operandi employed by Boko Haram, whereby civilians are targeted and killed, consequently resulting in significant civilian casualties across northern, eastern and central Nigeria. Ansaru is closely tied to several militant and jihadist groups through its leader, Khalid al Barnawi. Al Barnawi’s alias Abu Ussamata al Ansary former senior Boko Haram commander in Northern Nigeria; the center of Ansaru’s operations was previously a member of AQIM where he trained militants in kidnapping tactics in Algeria. Al Barnawi was reportedly coached by Mokhtar Belmokhtar. ATTACK STYLE Ansarus attacks have consisted of raids by gunmen against hardened targets. A platoon-sized element typically assaults the compound where hostages will be abducted, or prisoners freed, before withdrawing. Explosives have not been used in Ansaru raids, except to breach barriers. Such attacks require different capabilities and preparations than Boko Harams suicide bombings do. Ansarus targets include state-aligned security installations in Nigeria’s major urban centres as well as military convoys, such as the 26 November 2012 attack on the headquarters of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), located in Abuja’s Apo district, by approximately 40 Ansaru militants. In addition, Ansaru uses kidnapping as an operational tactic, with several kidnappings being linked or claimed by the group, Examples are Linked: May 2011: kidnapping of a British and Italian national in the city of Birnin Kebbi in the state of Kebbi state. The hostages were executed following failed international attempts to free them; Linked: January 2012: kidnapping of a German engineer in the city of Kano. The hostage was executed following failed international attempts to free him; Claimed: 19 December 2012: the French engineer, Francis Colump, employed by the French-owned energy company Vergnet, that was kidnapped from a secure compound in the town of Rimi; and Claimed:18 February 2013: kidnapping of seven foreign expatriate workers employed by the Lebanese-owned Setraco construction company in the Jama’are Local Government Area of Bauchi State. The hostages were executed following military operations by the Nigerian government to free the hostages. Ansaru displayed sophistication in the execution of the last two listed kidnappings, during which a group of between 20 and 30 militants attacked secured compounds using improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and high calibre rifles. In addition, Ansaru killing of hostages in response to failed security operations is similar to an AQIM counter insurgency stategy whereby killings are executed as to protect the possible identification of the kidnappers. Source: Tracking Terrorism Center
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 10:25:03 +0000

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