Less is More... I have to admit...too often I get caught in - TopicsExpress


Less is More... I have to admit...too often I get caught in the trap of thinking I want more!--more speeches, more clients, more success, more stuff...just more, more, more! However, this morning while driving----as I sometimes do--I was talking to God. But this time it was different. The prayer and the drive came together to create an insightful moment for me. And I want to share it as perhaps you too will find benefit from this unique experience. I was on my weekly drive to a client in Lynchburg, TN. While doing so, I started thinking about the more, more, more. And it got a little negative. Kevin you need more! You need to be more focused, more productive...you need more speaking gigs, more clients, more articles, more interviews...more! This thinking kind of got me down. But in a moment, somehow my mind shifted and I started thinking differently. I started thinking about [actually] how lucky I am--that I had much to be grateful for. I almost lost this positive mind-shift by thinking, Kevin youre just rationalizing. You need MORE! But I stayed with it. I began to realize the following with clarity: that once a week I get to make this beautiful 50-minute drive through the rolling hills of Tennessee. I get to go to a client where I get to do what I love...coaching and training. And I get to do this for really, really wonderful people. I get to have deep conversations and coach them about how they can be more successful as leaders and in their workplaces. By any measure...my work with the Jack Daniels Company is truly a blessing. And then I realized that beyond the good work, this work actually allows me to need less; less travel, less clients, less hustling (for more business); thus less worry and stress. Yet, as a business professional and in the world to which I work [as a speaker and coach], we are always looking for more business...right? Well perhaps--Ive been and will likely be there again, and certainly there is nothing wrong with more success. But in my situation and during this time in my life, less is exactly what I need...because less gives me much, much more. God reminded me of this notion during my drive this morning. As I was thinking [praying] about this very point, I rolled around the corner, cresting a hill and this is what I saw (see photos). But its much deeper than that. I stopped and shot these photos and then took a moment just to look, think, feel, and to listen to God. This is what I heard. First--and I can rarely remember, let alone quote scripture--I was reminded of a passage from the bible, For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven (Eccl. 3:1). And then I heard...Kevin for right now, for this season, less is MUCH more. With less travel, less clients and less business opportunities, you get more. Specifically, you get more time with a precious high school daughter who not only needs you in her life, but to which you only have one and half more years until she goes on to her own life. This hit me like a ton of bricks. A feeling came over me...one of deep gratitude. I was humbled in realizing how God works in our lives.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 18:19:08 +0000

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