Lesson #1: Watch the video below. Any soda is just about the - TopicsExpress


Lesson #1: Watch the video below. Any soda is just about the worse thing you can put into your body. It is loaded with both sugar and sodium. Not to mention the calories. You will need jog 18 minutes to burn off one can of Coca Cola. Oh but I drink diet drinks. EVEN WORSE. Diet sodas use artificial sweeteners. These sweeteners are made up of chemical compounds that not only have been proven to cause cancer (such as aspartame), these sweeteners may even cause you to gain weight. Artificial sweeteners contain no calories, which is great, but "When you drink a diet soda with artificial sweeteners, you may end up tricking your body into thinking that other things that you eat and drink are not filled with as many calories as they really are." (fitday) Your Assignment: Drastically reduce or even eliminate your intake of soda to start for at least 2 weeks and keep us updated on how you are doing.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 03:57:37 +0000

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