Lesson 90 from Merging with Siva Going In and Coming Out The - TopicsExpress


Lesson 90 from Merging with Siva Going In and Coming Out The Self is so simple. You have to be so simple to realize the Self, not simple-minded, but so unattached. Awareness has to be able to move so nimbly through the mind, like a graceful deer going through the forest, so deftly through the mind, that none of the sticky substance of the mind, so to speak, sticks onto awareness and holds it steadfast for a period of time. And only with that agility can you move awareness in quickly to the Source, in on itself, until you come out having realized the Self. It is an experience you come out of more than go into. If you were to explain Self Realization in another way, look at it in this way. Right out here we have a swimming pool. Beneath the surface of the water, we will call that the Self. The surface of the water, just the surface of it, we will call that the depths of contemplation, that pure consciousness, that most super-rarefied area of the mind, the most refined area of the mind of pure consciousness. And we are going to dive through pure consciousness into the Self. We will call the physical body awareness. Its a body of light, and its going to dive into the Self, into the depths of samadhi. But to do that, it has to break the surface, has to break pure consciousness. So, then, we make a preparation. Attention! We take all our clothes off. We put on a bathing suit and walk around the pool. We are getting ready for this great dive. Concentration! We pull our forces together, We dont quite know what is going to happen to us. Meditation! We look over the swimming pool. We look over the whole thing. We are studying out the philosophy of just what we are going to do. We even try to measure the depth of the Self. We talk to people about it and ask, Have you jumped in there? Some say, No, but I intend to one day, and others will answer, Yes. Well, can you tell me something about it? They say, Uh-uh, no. Then you go into contemplation. You just stand. And you are completely aware of just standing there, right on the brink of the Absolute, and you are standing--so, so, so much conscious that youre there, you are just aware of being aware. And then you laugh, and then you jump in. As your hands and head go into the water, they disappear. As the body breaks the surface, it disappears. As the legs go in, they disappear. And we are all looking at the surface of the swimming pool and dont see you there anymore. You just disappeared, the whole body. As you come out of that samadhi, first the hands and head come up and begin to appear again--then the chest, then the entire torso. Then, as you climb out from the pool, the legs reappear, and finally the feet appear again. You are just the same as you were before, but you are all clean on the inside. Awareness has a new center. The center is way down in the bottom of there, someplace that you cant even talk about. You have realized, when you come out, that you have realized the Self. Before you went in, you knew all sorts of things about it. You could quote a thousand different things about the Self. You knew so much. And when you come out, you dont know anything about it at all. You know you have had a tremendous experience. You have had an inner bath. Then you go back into just enjoying the experience--contemplation. Then you begin to meditate, coming out again on the experience. And there is a vastness in you that awareness can no longer penetrate. Its a tremendous vastness; you just cant penetrate it anymore. You go in and in and in, and then all of a sudden you realize that you have realized the Self again. And you go in and in and in, and then all of a sudden you realize that you have realized the Self again. And everything is different. You look at the world from the inside out. You look at people from the inside out. You look at a person, and immediately you see how they came along through life. You look at their face, and you see what their mother looks like. You look into their subconscious mind; you see what their home looked like. You see what they were like when they were ten years old, fourteen, twenty, twenty-five years old; now they are thirty. And at the same time you are seeing what they are going to look like when they are forty years old, and so forth. You see the whole sequence, all now. Then you really know, after that deep samadhi, that the mind, in all phases of manifestation, was all finished long ago. Its already complete. Before that, you try to believe in that concept. And its a vast concept to believe in, because at certain times, when awareness is flowing in the external areas of the mind, it certainly doesnt look that way at all. Our perspective is limited.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:04:11 +0000

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