Lessons learnt re: GOd apologising to Kong: 1. compare what - TopicsExpress


Lessons learnt re: GOd apologising to Kong: 1. compare what preachers say with the bible, which is the final authority on what even pastors say ( Acts 17: 11) 2. God is high and exalted, and He owes no man apologies. We need to not only apologise to GOd for our failure to obey Him, but more than that, we need a heart of repentance, of genuine confession and willingness to forsake our sin and to turn back to Him in faith and brokenness. So to say that GOD apologises to man, would be to pull GOd down, to a level of man. THat is blasphemy. 3. If GOd has not spoken to a pastor of a church for 8 months, that church is in serious trouble, and so is the pastor, and me if that is the case with me. 4. There are many broken , disillusioned christians that need to set their sights on the Christ of the bible, the Living word, and the words of CHrist, the written words, instead of believing what man says: for the 1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; These are precious lessons we need to honestly think through. At the same time, there is another church in SEA that is undergoing the same investigation by the authorities of that country for the same problem. May the Lord help us realise that the local church bought with the blood of Christ is not the problem, but the sin in man that brings about such situations and only with moment by moment intimate fellowship with Christ our Saviour and Lord, understanding His word as He wrote it, can we avoid such things.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 22:31:56 +0000

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