Lessons on body, business and breakthroughs with Forbes - TopicsExpress


Lessons on body, business and breakthroughs with Forbes Riley 06/10/20140 Comments I will be honest; I wasn’t sure what to expect from Forbes Riley and her fitness product, the Spin Gym. From the perspective of meeting her, I was beyond excited! She is TV’s shopping queen, selling the MOST fitness and wellness products – EVER. We are talking BILLIONS SOLD! I was super excited to meet her, for she is where I aspire to be. Dynamic, direct and fun! Is how I would describe Forbes! She shared her story of making it through the “back door, a.k.a. hard work” - no trust fund, just creative in where she wanted to land and surround herself in business. “If you want to learn to scuba and you don’t have any money, just do it?” Many faces in the audience were perplexed. I understood her mindset, for I too “backdoor” many of my projects. You want to scuba? Barter or volunteer. Do whatever it takes to get those lessons! Forbes took it to another level, by not only getting the lessons, but working at Club Med! Lesson understood. She shared, “If I can do it, you can do too.” Other Lessons: If you are an entrepreneur, understand how to communicate your product, service and pitch. KNOW when to pitch! ** this is key and taught in her program FORBES FACTOR™ Remove the words I DON’T KNOW from your vocabulary. (These words are not allowed in her program). Figure out a way! IT IS POSSIBLE, OTHER PEOPLE HAVE DONE IT! From this mantra Forbes name has become a verb: TO FORBES IT... Manifesting when no one else thinks it is possible! Say it with me.. I FORBES IT! Doesn’t that feel gooood! Learn what you KNOW, and learn to leverage it while you sleep. Think about that one. Do you have a residual income making stream in your life. Forbes believes in it, as do I! The MOST successful people I know and surround myself with, have some sort of income stream that is active around the clock. Whether it be an MLM, affiliate marketing, book, service, etc., it keeps the revenue churning! Can you clearly communicate WHAT YOU DO and do so in a manner of CONFIDENCE? This can be so intimidating, but it is the foundation of your business, along with your IMAGE. Practice in the mirror or to friends on your voicemail until you OWN your words in a natural manner. What makes YOU an expert and UNIQUE to the masses out there in the same industry as your expertise? This needs to be included in your pitch. Learn to build a RAPPORT before anything else! Relationships, relationships, relationships! People can see through and feel the intentions of others. Baby steps of genuine communication lead to business opportunities. Now it was time to play with the Spin Gym. As a certified personal trainer of over 10 years, I was skeptical this might be just a gadget. Forbes has a health & wellness bio that is the size of a phone book - remember those? ;) Once I understood how to activate the product I had a quick workout in a very short period! Immediately, I thought of busy professionals, moms, special population clients of obesity and those who are confined to a wheelchair. ALL of those types of people could use the spin gym! My lesson? Don’t judge a book by its cover, in this case a product by its appearance, until you understand the science behind it! I put the Spin Gym to the test with my 10 year old, and she LOVED it so much she asked if she could make a video of her using it. I am now starting to test the Spin Gym in my studio. One of my clients, who works with me twice a week along with doing a boot camp, COLLAPSED after using it for only 5 minutes! It is only meant to be a 5 minute workout, and yes, you can learn to work your entire body with only using this small fitness tool. What I like about this better than a resistance band is the centre cylinder must remain spinning, which is occurring when you are engaging your muscles. This forces you to keep engaging, for you don ‘t want the spin gym to stop, vs. a band that does not have a function to keep pushing you on to DO MORE. I look forward to learning more about the Spin Gym and Forbes Riley. I will continue to test it in my studio and share the feedback! If you wish to try it, contact me for a consult to see what you think! In good health, xo Jen
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 01:03:24 +0000

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