Let’s face it: life isn’t always a party. And when things get - TopicsExpress


Let’s face it: life isn’t always a party. And when things get tough we are often told to buck up and stop feeling sorry for ourselves. But seriously, what’s wrong with a little self-indulgence when things are low? Here’s why it’s okay to throw yourself a pity party now and then. It Helps You Release Emotions Many people equate a pity party with a temper tantrum and consider those who partake as nothing more than spoiled children. Not so! A good whining session or much needed cry helps you release pent up emotions. If you continually carry negative feelings around or gloss over them like they don’t matter, eventually they will become buried and fester over time. If you continually carry negative feelings around or gloss over them like they don’t matter, eventually they will become buried and fester over time. This cannot only lead to emotional denial and numbness; it can also affect your health. Studies have shown that people who bottle up their feelings are more likely to suffer from health problems like headaches, ulcers, and high blood pressure to name a few. So don’t afraid to grab that extra large box of tissues and start your party. It’s a healthy thing to do. It Gives You Some Alone Time Most pity parties are solitary affairs. Retreating away from the busy demands of the world can really be a good thing. Even though you might be wrestling with fears, sadness and doubts, it gives you an opportunity to tune in to your thoughts and feelings. It’s difficult to get real and examine raw emotions when in the company of others. Your solitude also gives you the chance to do some serious self-nurturing. Do all you can to support yourself during this time. Eat comfort foods, stay in your jammies, watch movies or simply hide under the covers. Treat yourself right while you attend this party of one. It Paves the Way for Change Who says a pity party can’t be productive? In many ways it’s like a rainstorm. Although it can be challenging to contend with, overall it does a great deal of good. It waters the flowers and clears the air. And once it’s over, the sunshine breaks through. It’s the same with those melancholy moments. Once you release that negative energy, you’ll feel better. You will also realize that things aren’t so bad and you have a great deal to look forward to, thus paving the way for change. In fact, your pity party can turn into a true celebration!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:23:02 +0000

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