Let Food Be Thy Medicine. ~ Hippocrates Yes - food as a - TopicsExpress


Let Food Be Thy Medicine. ~ Hippocrates Yes - food as a preventative and curative approach is ideal. Moringa is one food that offers a lot of promise for our health. This powerhouse of nutrition includes high levels of vitamin A and C, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, essential amino acids, bioavailable vegan protein, and more. Moringa has shown to be effective in balancing cholesterol levels, balancing blood-sugar levels, stimulating metabolism, protecting the liver and kidneys, supports the balancing of hormones, helps maintain healthy ph levels, aiding in digestion, healing constipation, increasing production of breast milk in nursing mothers, fighting bacterial and fungal infections, eliminating parasites, fighting cancer and other degenerative diseases, enhancing immune function, and aiding in detoxification. Moringa can be eaten fresh and raw (uncooked), added to soups and smoothies, or dried and sprinkled on food or drunk as a tea. It is also a wonderful food to give to animals. Dr. Max Gerson, of the famous Gerson Institute - known for helping thousands of people heal cancer naturally, stated that our environment, including soil and the food we grow and eat, is our external metabolism. He found that to heal most diseases eating organic fresh foods, specifically fruits and vegetables, helped the body detoxify disease and return to vital health. Moringa is a food to consider an imporatant part of our external metabolism. At Awakening Soul we are now growing plenty of organic morninga and are loving having this superfood as part of our healing diet!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:04:19 +0000

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