Let Jesus Be Himself - Think of the people you are crazy about - - TopicsExpress


Let Jesus Be Himself - Think of the people you are crazy about - the people you deeply love, you dont just love parts of them. You want real relationships. So love compels you to embrace the whole person. In the end you want people to be themselves. We often treat God differently by telling Him how he can or cant act and we interpret His intentions through our own personal filters rather than let Him whos us who He is. The first time God revealed His name He said I Am. He is simply and infinitely Himself. And in the person of Jesus. He invited people to get to know Him face to face. The son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being. The incarnate Son of God. He said if youve seen me you have seen the Father. I and the Father are one. It unnerves some people to encounter Jesus. As long as God is at a comforting distance God can be safe. He is love and mercy but when we encounter Jesus He s the Lion Of Judah. But knowing Jesus is the greatest thing that can happen to a person. Jesus is not love, He is Love in action, His love is disruptive, not just sweet and sappy, its intervention. When we read the gospels we see Jesus Love in action. Not allowing people to remain the same but transforming them into the person God intended them to be. His beauty and humility are breathtaking. He stands at the door and knocks, we have locked Him out, and He stands and says let Me in. Take the barriers down and see Who I Am. Lord we renounce every barrier we have put up to keep you from entering our lives. We raise our white flag and this day we lay down our lives before You at the cross. We trust you and we see your Beauty.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 09:09:24 +0000

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