Let Me Explain Contentment, Today I read Proverbs and was - TopicsExpress


Let Me Explain Contentment, Today I read Proverbs and was inspired to blog again. Yep I said it blog again. Well Proverbs 30:7-9 says more than enough on its own. This is a very dangerous prayer. If you don’t really want it you may not want to pray for this. Do not add to His words,Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar. Two things I request of You(Deprive me not before I die): Remove falsehood and lies far from me;Give me neither poverty nor riches—Feed me with the food allotted to me; Lest I be full and deny You,And say, “Who is the Lord?”Or lest I be poor and steal,And dishonor the name of my God. In this short request Solomon asked for two things. He only wants two things. He asked God to keep lies from him. Then, he asks for not poverty or riches. He asks God to remove falsehood and lies from him. I see this as his plea to be declared righteous. He want to live in the truth of God and all else to be obsolete. We live in a society of falsehood and lies. Growing up being fed these lies, which mold us today as a world. You must go to school to be successful, you must do that or you must do this, its okay to do live this way. No we are defined by the truth of the word and God. Solomon wants no part of the world he already experienced. He was told riches would bring him happiness. In ecclesiastics he searched for happiness in these lies and found it all to be false. He had everything the world had to offer; yet he did not want it and only wanted more God. We have become a society that lives in lies and falsehood. We should strive to keep the world and the worldly mindset away from us, Romans 12:2. Solomon had seen what the world had to offer and wanted no part of it. He wanted to be content in God and truth for happiness. • What defines you? • What do you live by? • Do you only want more Jesus? • Do you live for the truth and by the truth? • Do you want to be successful in the world or great in the eyes of Christ? He asked God not to give him too much, but just enough to live for today. Do you know what that mean? Smh, no excess. He says this because he wants to have true contentment in Christ. He wants to rely on God to provide and not himself. I don’t think nobody prays a prayer like this, today. A lot of us want a lot and want to depend on ourselves. We all want to win the lotto or make a 100,000 a year. What drives you? In this prayer he ask God to only give him enough to get by day to day. That means no savings, no spending money and no retirement. Heck I even once heard a guy say its like living pay check to pay check. Can you live pay check to pay check and be content? Think about it. Don’t you think he is right? He says if he has too much he would not rely on the Lord. So much to say “Who is the Lord”. A lot of us have it so good and are so comfortable that we don’t rely on the Lord for anything. It is individuals that don’t have or that is going through a storm that prays the most for God to get them out. Heck, a lot of us only come to God when we are in a storm or in need. Solomon is asking God to only give him enough so he needs him. God give me a reason to pray and seek your face. Keep in mind, that Solomon was the richest King in the bible. So he knew firsthand what it was like to have money, but he insisted to have nothing because he knew the dangers of having much. I like being uncomfortable because it is the times when I need God the most and have more of him. I say it al the time. Being a Christian is a call to be uncomfortable. We should never be comfortable being a Christian. Jesus said in Matthew, “The son of man has no place to lay his head”. He even told his disciples when they travel to take nothing at all (no food or finances) and that he would provide. Then he goes on to say, but don’t give me to less that I may commit sin. Solomon is a smart man. He is one of the smartest men in the bible. When you don’t have anything you would do anything to eat He knows the power of the flesh. He doesn’t want to dishonor God and be declared unrighteous. It is obvious he knows the power of prayers. God is funny because he gives you exactly what you ask for. In this prayer he protects himself a little. He doesn’t want to be a theft, hustler, or rip people of. He wants to be fair and live a decent life. He doesn’t want to be forced into a situation where he has to do wrong. • Do you have too much? • Is your comfort and contentment in your finances causing you to be content and be a Luke Warm Christian? • Are you saying, “Yeah I trust God, but I don’t need to right now? • Do you say you trust him only because you’re comfortable? • Can you trust him in a storm or if you didn’t have? Evaluate your lives. If you want to fully rely on God and want true to contentment, think about ways to remind you or help you rely fully on him. Get uncomfortable, heck pray this prayer if you’re bold. God always provides. It takes boldness to get out of your comfort zone. Give a little away. Relying on God is one of the best decisions and lifestyles you can live. It is a life of joy and happiness. We only worry because of the lies of our world and society. The many expectations imposed on us by the world causes you to live the way we do. RELY ON CHRIST.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 12:40:20 +0000

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