Let Me In ((The story I sent in for the contest mentioned in - TopicsExpress


Let Me In ((The story I sent in for the contest mentioned in previous status)) The gray woman had come again in the night. Her black eyes bore into mine and she spoke in the most hollow voice. Now she had wanted to come in. This time, her nails scraped slowly at the glass, the unnerving screech grating in my ears. No. You cant come in! I squeaked, clutching the pillow around my head. The horrible sound continued. She wanted in, and I knew exactly how badly she wanted inside. I never knew why, but she did. Please... let me inside... just open the window... its easy... The woman wheezed from the other side of the window. I knew she was a non-living being by the sepulchral tone between us. Even though the window was between us, I knew she was not friendly and I should never let her inside. Why did I take this room in the Ballroom Hotel? I will still never know the answer. They had warned me that the place was haunted, but I had been desperate. I needed some rest from my long journey to get home. The man warned me about the woman in the window. I chose not to listen... Let me inside... you wont get hurt... The woman rasped, though never left any form of breath out to hold on to the windows clear surface. Show fell through the sky. Im cold... She whispered. Keep me warm... No, youre not real! Youre not alive! You cant feel the cold! And you cant-- Let me inside! The woman now shouted. I had no choice but to look into the fathomless abyss of her hollowed black eyes. They looked like the pits of death and I felt like they were going to suck me inside if I opened the window. The womans color had now began to change into a darker gray, nearly black as her eyes as I stood up and pulled on my shirt to go close the red curtains. Please... let me in... Im so cold outside... Havent you ever wondered what it would be like to kiss a cold woman? She breathed breathlessly from just in front of me. For a moment, I was tempted to open it. It was unnerving how badly I wanted to unlock the window and slide it open. I knew I shouldnt open it, but I was now terribly tempted. No... I... no... I cant open it... I sighed, starting to close the curtains when I saw her face change from contorted rage to deathly beautiful. She was beautiful. What is your name? The question was stupid to ask, but I didnt want to know her as simply The Woman by the Window. Let me in... And I will tell you... please open the window... let me inside... She begged, her hollowed eyes softened. I knelt by the window and looked out at the snow falling outside this late at night as I slowly reached for the window. Sensing her hunger for the window to open, I pulled my arms back to hear an unnatural groan to look at her fearful face. She would do anything to come in. Even if it meant using her elegance to an advantage in order to draw me into her needs. I... Unable to control my own actions, I felt my fingers glide over the locks of the clear glass windows and they clicked. Slowly sliding open the window, I gasped at the blast of ice cold air as she spiraled in through the gap. Through me. Knocked off my feet and onto my back, I couldnt breath as I looked into the womans deadly eyes as she came closer. Her fingers closed around my throat, nails digging deep into the sides of my neck. My name is... Elizabeth. Elizabeth sighed as I felt myself being drawn into her eyes and my soul was pulled from my body. I now looked upon a girl from the other side of the window and tapped my knuckles against it. The snow fell down from around me. The girl looked up at me to find my fathomless eyes. My own pits of death. She slowly sat up to look at me. Who are you? What do you want? She asked, stepping towards the window separating us. Ignoring the first question, I whispered to her: Let me in...
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 07:03:10 +0000

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