Let Me Thank All The Good People Like U. I appreciate all of you - TopicsExpress


Let Me Thank All The Good People Like U. I appreciate all of you my friends for your words of encouragement through your comments & likes on my posts. Im also indebted to an overwhelming number of you whom post have inspired me to start thinking. I wanna take this time out 2 review how together we made things happen in the 2014. WE STARTED THE YEAR 2014 WITH A THOUGHT PROVOKING QUESTION WHICH GOES THUS. •Have you ever experienced Joy that made you cry. News that Made you dance? Favours that you never merited? and things turning around for your own good. these are my prayers for you today and forever. AT A PARTICULAR TIME WE POINT OUT WRONG REASON(S) TO FALL IN LOVE. •If you fall in love because someone makes you laugh, what happens when you no longer find them funny? If you fall in love because someone is beautiful, what happens when that beauty fades? If you fall in love because someone can provide for you, what happens when they lose wealth? Real love defies all reasons. When you truly love someone, you do not look for reasons, you see beyond reasons. STILL MOVING WITH A TREMENDOUS ACCELERATION WE WERE MADE TO SEE REASON WHY WE SHOULD REMAIN STRONG IN THE FACE OF CHALLENGES & THIS WAS POSTED..... No storm can last forever. It will never rain 365 days consecutively. Keep in mind that trouble comes to pass, not to stay. Dont worry! No storm, not even the one in your life, can last forever. STILL ACCELERATING WE WHERE TOLD ABOUT WHY BEING TOGETHER WITH SOMEONE YOU FALL INLOVE WITH ON FB WOULD PROBABLY NOT EVER HAPPEN WITH DIS ILLUSTRATION •A bird may love a fish but the sad thing is where are they going to live? This is the tragedy of falling in love with what is not yours. Always at the end , one will fly while other will swim in the sea of sorrow or dies trying to fly.... BASE ON WHAT IS BEING POSTED ON DAILY BASIS SOME OF US BECAME INTRIQUED & BEGIN TO ASK PUZZLING QUESTIONS VIA THE INBOX & IN OTHER TO MAKE THE VISION KNOWN TO EVERYBODY. THIS WAS POSTED: The only thing I really wish to do with my life is to inspire someone. I want to touch someones life so much that they can genuinely say that if they never met me then they wouldnt be the person they are today. I want to save someone; save them from this hated, dark and lonely world. I wish to be someones hero, someone that people look up to. I only wish to make a change, even if its small one. I just want to do more than exist.!! IT BECAME OBVIOUS THAT MANY FOUND THEMSELVES IN THE DILEMMA OF RELATIONSHIP & WE POSTED THIS FOR THEM. •MY DEAR, Why are you still battling with that relationship in order to change their mind. if they dont want you, do you know that you cant change that? Begging wont change that, and prayer wont change that -- Stop thinking that God wants to bless You with somebody that doesnt want you. You wont see the right one until you stop crying over the wrong one. God doesnt send you love that doesnt want you! Stop begging, get some self-respect, their No is not The end of your life, it may be the beginning of your joy..... Wipe the tears, dust off the dirt, hold your head up and start living..... dont crawl up and die because they no longer want you .......there are bigger and better fish in the Sea... Before this 2014 ends, God will settle many singles through Christ our Lord. AMEN. IT WAS BECOMING INTERESTING AS DAYS WENT BY, THEN WE DECIDED TO REASON PSYCHOLOGICALLY. #PSYCHOLOGIST_VIEW *Psychology says, people don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen & a heart to understand. *Psychology says, attempting to convince yourself that you dont care about someone is a clear indicator that you really do. *Psychology: Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways. IN AN ATTEMPT TO PROVOKE OUR MEDULLA OBLONGATA, A WORK IT OUT WAS POSTED. If 2 + w = 12 4 + x = 14 6 + y = 16 8 + z = 18 What is W + X x Y + Z = ? -Only A Genius Can Solve This Without A Paper And Pen. WE ALSO REMINDED/ EDUCATE CAR OWNERS AMONG US TO BE CAREFUL ON THE HIGH WAYS THROUG THIS POST. Drivers can avoid dangers on the road by abiding to the following defensive driving tips. • Plan ahead for the unexpected. • Be able to control your speed. • Put on your seatbelt before driving. • Be prepared to react to other drivers. • Do not expect others to do what you think he or she should do. • Respect other users of roadway. • Be aware of driving in weather conditions. • Be alert and avoid distractions. Eg cell phone usage. I REALLY APPRECIATE U GUYS 4 BEING PART OF #TEAM_SIMMY 2014. AS THE YEAR GRADUALLY COMES TO AN END I Wish U A Fantastic JANUARY Loveable FEBRUARY Marvelous MARCH Fruitful APRIL Enjoyable MAY Successful JUNE Wonderful JULY independent AUGUST Powerful September Tastiest OCTOBER Beautiful NOVEMBER Happiest DECEMBER. Have A VICTORIOUS YEAR! Hope Im the 1st Person To Wish U All Happy 12 Months Of 2015? Hahaha... I luv yall
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:41:26 +0000

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