Let The Race to a Better Place Begin... Today, I have - TopicsExpress


Let The Race to a Better Place Begin... Today, I have Re-Branding America on my mind and first to mind is not better... just first. First for better and sometimes first to worst. America goes first to the moon... to protect freedom... to feed the hungry. Im sure you understand its in the nature of Americans to go first. But to understand Re-Branding America we must start with a basic understanding of why now? Why now? should be first on everyones mind as we try and figure out why we are having so much trouble now with economic corruption... with politicians who sell US out... with terrorism... with obesity... with kids who dont want to learn... with divorce rates at 50%... with college drop out rates over 40%... with Russia claiming America as first among equals with only the nuclear option to prove their equality to US. For thousands of years mankind lived without much improvement in science or technology and then Boom the past two hundred and thirty six, well more to the point the last thirty or so years have been Spectacular. But Why Now? Why not two hundred or a thousand years before or two hundred or a thousand years from now? July 4th 1776... That day began our trek towards advanced science and technology. When average men began listening to their imagination and applied their courage to more than just war. But it wasnt until the past 30 or so years when women and minorities were first legally and socially allowed then expected to participate and contribute. Well, thats when things really got spectacular! But there were two sides to that day when The Declaration of Independence was signed. It was clear that all really didnt mean All... so the signing also began a Heros Journey for America and a race to the day when all really does mean All... and the time has come to make that day Today. Because All of the events that threaten Americans today, are tied to the successful completion of that Heros Journey and the Glory of the Day when the Golden Ring of Equality is made Whole. The most dangerous words ever spoken or thought are these: You think you are better than me? Hear them, read them or see them on the face of someone in an ally, a bar room, a bedroom or a boardroom... or a UN negotiating room... or in an online chat-room of any hate group and you have got big trouble on your hands. Period. This festering energy is exactly the energy that fuels Osama bin Ladens filthy perversion of Islam. This festering energy... is exactly the energy that fuels individual self loathing and self defeat and why we do the things we do even when we know these things are bad for US. Right now the American Brand reflects too much of the stuff we know is bad for US. And to too much of the world The American Brand reflects the idea of the War on Terror and they understand that idea loud and clear... America knows how to wage war. But the world also needs to know, We know how important their Equality is to them and to US and when we Wage War we do so to protect Everyones Equality. This is how we win the War against Terrorism, by drawing the battle line on equality and by extension Re-brand America as a Nation who goes first so others can go next. And for those nations who dont like the idea of America always going first... Let The Race to a Better Place Begin!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 13:09:51 +0000

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