Let Us Give this pathetic Sadar and his Italian master a Thumbs - TopicsExpress


Let Us Give this pathetic Sadar and his Italian master a Thumbs Down ======================================================== Chormohan... a decorated smelly piece occupying the 7 racecourse office for 10 years, had left a legacy of appeasing our hostile terrorist-loving neighbour with Biriyani diplomacy, asking BSF to raise white flag when coming under unprovoked shower of bullets, feet-licking bandit Bush saying India loves you..to the lowest diplomatic fight on Devyani Khobragade (I call this episode as Laajey-Goborey, meaning in Bengali term extremely harrased, and lost in wilderness as to how to save the situation)...and so many others. The US-India relation was at its lowes ebb. Mind it! The Lajey-Goborey affair [ Laaj = Tail, Gobar = Cow Dung ....means a tail of a cow smeared with its dung, a messy affair indeed ] coincided with Americans expressing strong desire to engage with Modi after the British did it. This annoyed Maino madam and she ordered her peon-cum-paltu kutta chormohan to open fire all barrels to show its displeasure to US. The message was clear....she knew Americans had smelt a great defeat of her thug team much before anybody knew it. So, she wanted to bring India at a loggerhead so as to annoy the Americans sufficiently enough to hate India and their sudden interest in an Indian leader Modi comes to an end. She succeeded in doing so and the UPA left a sore point so as to make the incumbant Modi find it difficult to change the equation for better. However, her and chormohans perception of Modi was pathetic. They thought this Chaiwala had no acumen to engage with a mighty US as a tactful diplomat, specially after the Devyani episode. To their surprise, Modi turned the table and within no time, Indian PM and US prez became close pals. During last visit to US, the Chamcha ournos like Rajdeep toured to cover his trip, ust to highlight falts and make it a big headline. Something he did to denigrate NaMo at maddison square, otherwise why the crowd bashed him ? The hue and cry in CNN IBN and twitts by his wife Saggy tried to bring bad names to Modi, but they were heckled so much (including my twitts) that Saggy lateron conceded that they were selectively targetted by Modi followers, and hence blame Modi again. Aterwards, both of them were thrown out of the channel, and Saggy has now ended up with a job in a non-descript channel 5 and Gasdeep became a sole bookseller of his publication. But typical of Kangi-culture, these fugitives will never humbleness and will stike at any half chance they get to defame Modi. The Mirchi-Moment or the Burnol Moment for these antinationals came when Obama agreed to visit India once more....signifying US now more than willing to come near to India, as it will benefit its own interest to engage with 2 main objectives: 1) Chinas growing aggression for which India is best suited for many a reason which no other country can equate with Indian advantages, and 2) contain terrorism, as it has realised that no nation can feel safe from its growing menace...particularly after the Sydney and Paris massacre took place. India under Modi is not as malleable to Russia which has been tamed because of sanctions and the war fronts it has opened in Crimea and Chechnia. Indian midle path is well-known...years ago, India came under pressure from US not to negotiate with Iran for laying open gas lines. US interest is obvious...it wont allow its surplus gas to be lying unsold and to see its rival is selling the same staff at a cheaper rate and better terms. Chormohan stepped back keeping in mind the propect of his pet project...the nuclear deal. This would have been his triumph card so as to win another election in 2014. As time flew, there happened thawing of ice between these old enemies and Chormohans calculation fell flat.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 09:19:13 +0000

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