Let Us Learn :Christmas days Lesson 04 Dec,25,2014 Sub: Improve - TopicsExpress


Let Us Learn :Christmas days Lesson 04 Dec,25,2014 Sub: Improve your writing: Part 04. ♣♣Improve Your Writing Basics of Writing (Composition)♣♣ In this part of the series post on Improve your writing : Basic of Writing I would like to discuss about Writing Paragraph ♣♣Writing Paragraphs♣♣ In my previous post on this series post on Improve your writing, I duly discussed about planning , Writing Draft ,Editing Draft etc. Here I would like to concentrate your attention when discussing an important part to improve your writing skill is WRITING PARAGRAPHS , here I intend to discuss the following issues ♥A. Focus on a point ♥B. Develop the point ♥C. Organize your thoughts in patterns ♥D. Be coherent ♥E. Paragraph length ♠♠Focus on a point♠♠ The topic sentence is similar to a thesis statement. It must be a complete sentence. In a short paper, the subpoints from your outline will suffice for the topic sentences of your paper. A simple sentence is easier to develop as a topic sentence in a paragraph. Otherwise, you may risk going off in several different directions. The development of your paragraph can, again, be answers to the questions either how? why? or both. Examples are very useful in making a point. If you make a statement that expresses a point of view, then if you can show your readers some examples that support that point, you have used very strong supporting material. The topic sentence may be the first sentence in your paragraph although it can come in the middle or be the closing sentence. Just make certain that your supporting sentences do contribute to the support of your topic sentence. It iss usually best to vary the positioning of your topic sentence; however, some researchers have found that an essay with topic sentences in first position receive favourable reviews by readers. ♠♠Develop the point♠♠ Your development will come from the “thinking about ideas” portion of your preparation. If you have taken notes, then this part of your writing should go easily and quickly because you will have in your notes supporting information for your thesis statement and your subpoints. This is a good reason for taking notes when you are educating yourself about your topic. However, you may also have some ideas of your own about this topic, and those are certainly useful if they do not take you off-track. Stay focused and keep your paragraphs and your overall essay focused. ♠♠Organize your thoughts in patterns♠♠ Does the second topic sentence naturally follow the first one? Do not address a new idea that does not fit when you start a new paragraph. If your outline has been carefully written to support your thesis statement, this should not happen. Another thing you can do to connect the paragraphs is to use transitional words. Some possibilities: “In addition,” “Besides,” “This leads us to another reason that . . . .” Do not overload your essay with too many points. Usually, three strong points are enough. If you go beyond that, make certain you are keeping your reader with you. Having another person read what you have written and responding to this question can be helpful here. Be careful about getting carried away while you are writing and resist the tendency to add new ideas that do not fit and do not contribute to your point. ♠♠Be coherent♠♠ Teachers often criticize student essays because they are not “coherent.” But what does that mean? It means that the development is illogical—it does not make sense. Either the subpoints do not truly support the thesis or the paragraphs themselves do not support the topic sentences as written. If you follow the directions above for developing your outline in such a way that the subpoints do support the thesis statement, you will not get that criticism. Also, make certain that your paragraphs do, indeed, develop your topic sentences and that they follow each other logically. It takes some discipline to do this kind of writing, but it is what is expected by teachers and by readers. ♠♠Paragraph length♠♠ Long paragraphs wear a reader down. Avoid writing more than five or six sentences in a paragraph before you break. The general rule is that a paragraph should break only when it has completely developed the topic sentence. However, it often takes more than five or six sentences to accomplish that. In those cases, find a logical place to break. On the other hand, many short paragraphs also impede the reader’s appreciation of the material by becoming monotonous and boring. The length of the paragraphs in an essay or a piece of writing is important, and you should pay attention to it. By saving a closing, summary sentence for the end of the development of the topic sentence, you can signal that you are moving on to another idea. ____________________ (End of part 04. Series to be continued....) If you like and find this post helpful then please make a copy and store it for your further use and reference and never forget to share it. Abdur Rahman Avii,Ali Hossain, Bright Well Raksam,Riad Monsurr, Sahed Khan, Sharif Hassan, Lily Islam,Tonu Islam,Rainy Eyes,Emi Kartika, M A Mannan Hamim, Osman Ali Mondol,Munisa Nazirova
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:44:18 +0000

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