Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD! Praise ye the - TopicsExpress


Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD! Praise ye the LORD! Psalms 150:6. In second Chronicles chapter 20 the children of God had a huge army amassed against them. Physically they had no way to win. But their king Jehoshaphat was a godly man and he had the people pray and ask God what to do. The Lord instructed him to put the praise and worshipers in the front of the army to praise and worship God and the victory would be theirs. In Acts chapter 16 Paul and Silas were in prison and began to praise the Lord .A great earthquake came, knocking their chains off and the prison doors opened! In Psalms 8 it says that praise stills the avenger. In other words it stops the enemy cold in his tracks. Nehemiah 8 says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Psalms 16 says in his presence is fullness of joy. Psalms100 says we enter his gates with Thanksgiving we enter his courts with praise! And Psalms 22 says that God inhabits or lives in the praises of his people.Do You see a running theme here? We need strength or power to overcome in this life. God has that power. Through his joy we have access to that strength or power. That power or strength can only be accessed through his presence. And we can only get in his presence through praise and worship. So if you need strength and power to overcome we have to praise him!!! Those of you who are worshipers know exactly what I mean. During worship you feel so loved so humble and yet so proud of our God. You would do anything for God. His presence gives you the boldness to act. Are you down and out. You hurting or depressed? Praise him with all your heart. The chains will fall and the prison doors open. But those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. To worship and praise God is just to love and brag on him. And he is so deserving! After all he is The Mighty God!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:25:50 +0000

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