Let get serious about this election here for a second. If the GOP - TopicsExpress


Let get serious about this election here for a second. If the GOP takes control of the US Senate next Tuesday, we shouldn’t kid ourselves into thinking that this is going to lead to a lot getting done over the next two years. It won’t The real benefit is to the overall political process. Right now a ton of legislation—some with bipartisan support--is languishing on Harry Reid’s desk. He refuses to bring these bills up for a senate vote because if these laws pass, it would force President Obama to publicly take potentially unpopular positions on controversial issues. 6 Years into his presidency Obama has vetoed a total of 2 (TWO) bills. That’s extraordinary. A GOP Senate would eliminate Reid’s ability to protect Obama from having to make tough decisions. The GOP could then DARE the president to veto popular bills. They could DARE him to veto the Keystone pipeline. DARE him to veto increased border security. DARE him to veto entitlement reform legislation. In essence DARE the president to actually DO his job. Everyone understands that the American people hate what they see as dysfunction in Washington DC. Well, Harry Reid is the primary cause of this dysfunction and in order to protect his party and his president he is preventing the democratic process from functioning in the way it was INTENDED to function. So, basically, even if you have faith in President Obama, you should be looking forward to a GOP senate. It would finally force President Obama to do the job he was elected to do, take a public stand on policy and engage in a REALl debate about the issues that impact the nation. We’ll still be stuck with gridlock, but it will a much more democratically beneficial gridlock than we have at the moment.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:49:38 +0000

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