Let me attempt to explain my affinity with *GOD, the common term - TopicsExpress


Let me attempt to explain my affinity with *GOD, the common term used and abused in/of the/our human USAGES employed by the mental lazy by always talking about some GOD, gods and their own beliefs about god. I observe that like and akin to so many other terms and word symbols the term GOD has been absolutely CORRUPTED and literally made stupidly insane. Currently the word symbol * L O V E * is been placed upon the chopping block of stupid insanity, which is being fed to us incessantly by the ELITE intellectual community , who are to a one themselves ALL, drowning in their own psychic ocean of pure mindless spiritual less PSYCHOPATHY. WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT? What am I angry about ? These legions, these BILLIONS of STUPID TRUE BELIEVERS, all demonstrating their own personal exceedingly MIND PROGRAMMED HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESSES, as totally Mental lazy mindless human beings all over the earth are KILLING and SLAUGHTERING each other in a blood bath claiming they are themselves TRUE BELIEVERS of/in GOD. These mindless stupid so-called TRUE BELIEVERS cannot understand that they themselves along with each and every other human being on earth DEAD or ALIVE are THEMSELVES, [ ALL SELVES ] are GODS IN THE TRUE ESSENCE OF SPIRITUALITY SIMPLY THE UNIQUE MANIFESTATION OF { ALL THAT IS } AS UNIQUE GODS IN * ( CAMOUFLAGE ) * PHYSICAL REALITY. How did this blind mindlessness create itself, and therefore establish itself as the official lines of consciousness? [I CAN TELL YOU ITS GENESIS IS NOTHING LESS THAN WORLD ORGANIZED RELIGIONS. ] BUT HERE (EVEN THAT SAID). Surely there are profound spiritual lessons set before the species by we ourselves, as the design of our mental constructs meant to teach us how to learn personal conscious responsibility. In our personal spiritual dishonesty man has come to think of himself as a kind of DUAL PERSON HOOD or as ONE artificially divided SELF-HOOD. ALL RELIGIONS IN UTTER STUPID UNWITTING INSANITY SOUGHT TO ENSLAVE THE SPECIES BY THE ENGAGING OUR COLLECTIVE HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS IN ITS MONUMENTAL LIE OF DECEPTION OF *GOD*, AND THUS LOCKING DOWN or SHUTTING DOWN HUMAN CREATIVE POTENTIALS BY DECLARING THAT THEIR GOD/GODS WERE/WAS A PERSONIFIED SUPREME INDIVIDUATED ULTIMATE SUPREME BEING. This represents one of the greatest lies of DECEPTION ever told and written as a TOOL and PSYCHIC DEVICE USED as that force of evil persuasion thrust upon US ALL in their designed to keep each true believer consciously deaf, mentally dumb, and utterly spiritually blind by manipulating human consciousness ever encountered or known by our species on earth. Men who claim in all honesty to L O V E god has never learned to teach themselves how to honestly and truly LOVE, neither themselves, their families, friends, neighbors and all other human beings.To the unnaturally formed programmed minds of all true believers they have been taught to habitually lie and pretend to themselves that the BROTHERHOOD of mankind cannot happen here on earth unless every body else become also true believers in their acknowledged God as the ULTIMATE ONE TRUTH. On its face this state of human conscious focus itself is nothing less than a psychic projection of the worst possible imaginable kind possible. Therefore it is easy to follow this kind of sick slick, almost brilliant insidious *EVIL* religious logic. Man human intellectuals holding these lines of thought sponsored by our official lines of consciousness believes that human nature is itself nothing less than the quintessence of A SICK EVIL SPAWNED BY EACH HUMAN BEING BORN IN SIN FALLING DOWN FROM A HIGHER HEAVENLY STATE. AGAIN NOW!!!!!! ~ GOD as a human word-term-symbol has been for countless centuries UTTERLY CORRUPTED MADE PSYCHICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY TOXIC to human consciousness which as it has been passed down and taught denies the DIVINITY of IDENTITY of each and every human personality. Humans are unable to see the GODLINESS everywhere, in everyplace. in all times in the whole existence. There are in truth in a twisted system of beliefs, in a manner of speaking, QUITE BRILLIANT REASONS why man the species was programmed first not to TRUST HIMSELF and inadvertingly also NOT TO LOVE HIMSELF nor not to even take RESPECTFUL Pride in his own spiritual person-hood. TRUSTED ~ IN HONEST SELF TRUSTWORTHINESS ~ Human trust in your most intimate emotional feelings and all your sacred intuitions WILL ALWAYS LEAD the individual personality to psychological and SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUS STATES of [ * Mystic Understanding and Comprehension * ] and thus to an indisputable appreciation of the Meaning and Purpose of all EXISTENCE. Such an individual cannot easily become enslaved. The true understanding here of SELF is the only true basis of human FREEDOM which simply means by the term freedom only the exercise of your own individual personal FREE WILL. Freedom is not a complicated idea-concept. You cannot on the ONE HAND Teach your Children simply to BEHAVE and Respect Authority and then mindlessly hope in the future, that they, your own children will magically appreciate and understand the psychic basis of SPIRITUAL FREEDOM. You yourselves have been programmed only SLAVE THINK PERSPECTIVES. Everywhere I meet other human beings I encounter the PHENOMENON of slave think. Within every known human culture it has never been shown that the true nature of GOD, LIFE, CONSCIOUSNESS and MAN HIMSELF as fundamental basic ideas were held and taught as the official lines of consciousness. How can this happen in the lives of HONEST PEOPLE? Followed, human emotional feelings themselves will lead to DEEP SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING, COMPREHENSION, and then APPRECIATION. Each individual is led inextricably to the recognition that the FLESH is as SPIRITUAL as the SOUL or whatever GOD must be, for each honest person realizes that you cannot have a physical SELF without emotional feelings any more than it is impossible to have a day without weather. This kind of mystic understanding has no necessity of being reduced to words symbols of language. Each person knows that the KNOW beyond all doubts. You do not have to know anything about so-called psychic matters as given in the sorry tales of specious ENLIGHTENMENT to activate your own inner spacious mind and its inner-sense. INTENSE HONEST EMOTIONAL DESIRE IS THE CONNECTIVE WITH THE SO-CALLED HIGHER WHOLE SELF. There is no other path of knowing WHAT YOU ARE. Many lies of deception has been spread and taught to man, by countless dogmatic religions, and legions of so-called esoteric systems of thought, all of these to a ONE has been designed to deceive MAN himself down through the ages. Here is the basis of the HISTORICAL ENIGMA of why so few BUDDHAS AND JESUS have seem to be absent in new births in our world. When in truth every individual is born themselves as psychic seed another potential Buddha and/or a self-actualized divine soul like JESUS, in all the special particulars required for self realization in learning the GREATEST LESSONS GIVEN IN THE UNIVERSE THE ART OF IDEA CONSTRUCTION. The most simple teaching given to mankind has turned out to be the GREATEST TEACHING,and history proves that it is in essence the only true teaching given by each and every great messenger ever come to earth. It is SIMPLY THIS ~ ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN, SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND, KNOCK THE DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN, but the GREAT WAY and the ONLY WAY is to JOURNEY WITHIN YOUR OWN PSYCHE. Every other teaching is a lying deception. A very famous human individual declared in the language and idioms of his era THAT THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN WAS BOTH WITHIN YOU AND WITHOUT. He admonished his listeners that it was imperative first and and utter necessity that they realize that the INNER-EXPERIENCE alone makes the outer experience possible. Therefore to those who hath EARS, then let them hear, and those with EYES let them see, but that every man woman and child should above all things you seek and desire, be Ye mindful therefore, and first SEEK UNDERSTANDING, Indeed to this teacher nothing is greater than Understanding. SUFFICE IT TO SAY IN CLOSING: Knowing what I know now it is easier for me to say than it is for any TRUE BELIEVER to accept and then contemplate upon it veracity and validity. What I assert cannot not be proven by external intellectual observation, nor can it be proven or proven incorrect by some contradictions formed by any rational mind nor due to nor by any theory held in scientific lore. There is a profound difference in believing you are unworthy as defined by all religions, and the reality of actually being UNWORTHY IN SPIRITUAL FACT. I tell you for emphasis, and not for love of redundancy THE MAN JESUS WAS NEVER CRUCIFIED. This story recanted in the BOOK has nothing to do with Jesus as they misrepresented the facts deplorably. Another MAN was drugged and nailed to that ugly cross, Judas arranged it , but it was not the man you now call Jesus the Christ. Jesus refused to participate in this form of INSANITY demanded by some fanatical deranged people, whom you now call mistakenly the so-called JEWS. These were not the same people who today claim they are Jews. These people have no earthly relationship with each other , neither biologically nor culturally or other, in precisely no manner. are they related in historical true representation. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOD AND MAN. The LIE TOLD ABOUT JESUS did not become the truth because of time gone past. The IDEA of god was/is meant to SERVE and to become a MODEL as a basic primary design or psychic blueprint designed for the spiritual purposes of SELF-ACTUALIZATION on the part of every consciously responsible human individual..There are no GODS in the Universe which were meant for mindless human ritual practices in worshiping in any manner nor to look upward into HEAVEN for the reception to prayers from any so-called DEITY or stupid imaginary PERSONIFIED SUPREME BEING. In these terms ALL RELIGIOUS PRACTICES AMOUNTS TO AN UNINFORMED EXERCISES OF THE MENTALLY LAZY IN GROSS KINDS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL FUTILITY. ~ Superstitions breeds more and more legions of superstition. All religions, while serving a purpose for our evolution of human consciousness, we must now recognized that have completed their cycle and have served their limited purposes. Man must now find the honest spiritual courage to meet and embrace the DIVINITY of his IDENTITY and meet face to face the gods within themselves. In each person the kingdom of god from spirit is made flesh, none higher or lower than any other at each spiritual transformation ( i.e., 2nd law of consciousness- energy transformation of one form of energy to another ) during each birth are each and everyone no less an IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, in these terms we all shared this type of action event in nature, but so do all living phenomenon in our manifested universe springs forth from a greater InnerUniverse as source energy reality. ALL OF EXISTENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS ARE INTERWOVEN. This on fact should end the ideas and confusion and so-called MYSTERY associated with the human misconception of GOD. However apparently it does not. If I say YOU yourselves create you own reality. Then that idea-concept-essence alone should eliminate your confusion. However, again, apparent it too does not. YOU yourselves are experiencing yourselves as A GOD IN MANIFESTATION. This is true FACT, and it is true whether you believe or disbelieve. WHAT you believe cannot change the nature of natural cosmic truth, however, the consequence of what you believe will still and always determine the consequences you meet in your personal reality..
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:35:58 +0000

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