Let me begin by saying I am no séx expert or professional. I am - TopicsExpress


Let me begin by saying I am no séx expert or professional. I am just another woman like you, who wishes to keep her man satisfied and will stop at almost nothing to keep him that way. In all my years of performing fellatio, I have observed one constant, each man likes to be pleasured differently. What works for John doesn’t make Sean c*m and what keeps Robert’s toes curling, doesn’t phase Tom. One thing all men seem to love though, is when you swallow their juices like unwanted gum. But there’s a long way to go before you get there. Oral séx, like every other thing in life, is a work of passion. You don’t have to love your mister but love his d**k . My motto is: If you’re going to do it, do it right! That means: spit, hands, tongué, lips, chest, a** and those circular weights that hang when he walks! Intimidated? Don’t be… Performing any séxual act is just as mental as it is physical. Women innately are good at multitasking, so clear your mind because that is going to be your greatest strength for this éxercise. Find a comfortable position to do the act. It can be strénuous on the neck so try kneeling in front of him while he either stands or sits down with his légs open. If you’re a little advanced, have him lay flat and you kneel over him. First things first. Make sure your mouth is moist and if it isn’t, get something to drink because you most certainly don’t want to start a bonfire on his package. Keep your spi t, don’t swallow (not yet anyway). Wrap your moist mouth around his man hood and do it slow. Let him feel it. The warm breath and we t crevice will excité him and remind him of your swéetness. Get the éntire candy stick we t, going down as far as you can without straining. Form a fishy face with your lips and use up and down motions to get into a groove. Some men like when you use your hand, so grab the base and hold it tight. At the same time slowly flíck your wrist in a smooth motion like your grinding pepper and jérk. You should be breathing through your nose, so when you stop it is only to come up for a second breath of air. By now, with the rubbing and friction, you will need to re-lubricaté your human lolli pop. Form a wad of saliva in your mouth then spit on it like he disgusts you. (Gross right? They love it!) Things are going to start getting complicated now… Use your other hand to tickle his berries. Juggle them in your palm, but don’t take that mouth off his pulsating pole! Pay attention to his movements and moans. Some men won’t make noise, so you need to evaluate their expressions. That is how you will know if they’re feeling it. Don’t be afraid to look, but don’t stare and when you look up, look straight so you won’t appear cock-eyed (just in case he’s looking right back at you). A lot of women are scared of this part. Brace yourself by relaxing your throát. If you are too tense, it won’t pass through. I’m talking about deep-throáting. It isn’t for the faint of heart. Put your big girl pan ties on and push down until you feel like you’re about to gag. Hum or mo an, it loosens the throát. Take in a big breáth through your nose if you feel you dinner coming up. Keep control of your reflex by going down at your own pace. If you aren’t comfortable with it don’t let him force you down faster or harder. He knows what your attempting to do and he is going to be very anxious. After letting his man- hood marinaté around your ésophagus, start jérking with one hand then kíss his bálls. I know what you’re thinking… They’re not ugly! Play with them, líck them, spell your name on them. If he isn’t squirming, then you aren’t doing it right. Try different methods like súcking, or flícking your tongué. Become his eye candy. Squát and opén your légs wide so he can watch you climáx with him! It’s time to take it home. Find a rhythm between your mouth and hand. Take a huge breath and don’t breath again until you feel like you can hold it anymore. Take a lung-full of air and do it all over again. Keep it moving and build momentum with each stroke. Spit. Keep going. You will feel him tense as he is close to finishing. This part is optional (unless you’re trying to get a ring): The key to swállowing for a beginner is not tásting it. An advanced he ad giver might play with it in their mouth but that’s your choice. I’m not one for interrupting the moment, so I don’t recommend spitting it out (unless you’re going to sop it back up). When that tangy (sometimes bitter) secretion flows, think of it as yogurt and swállow! Beautiful. Any comment?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 13:11:29 +0000

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