Let me bore you all with the week that was ... One of those weeks - TopicsExpress


Let me bore you all with the week that was ... One of those weeks were things were screaming at us left right and center .. but things only scream when you are not well. Had a sore throat, so didnt think much about high temp. Pain in side etc grew increasing worse as the days ticked on, until Wednesday night when I thought I was in LABOUR!!! (no, NOT possible :P ) so by Thursday, called doctors, and waited for appointment. Got a call at 2.15pm, saw dr at 2.30pm, examined, sent asap like .. NOW time .. to Base for immediate scan, arrived 2.50pm, triage by 3pm, prodded by drs, prodded by drs .. did I mention PRODDED by drs? If I didnt have pain in the abdo before, I certain did after they prodded. Had BLOOD taken, scan done, morphine given somewhere in all of this, temp just a nice 38.something .. I did try to convince them that it was because I had a sore throat ... yeah, right ... like they believed me!! By 6pm, ambulance being organized for immediate CT scan .. in HERVEY BAY!!!!!!!!! Enjoyable ride to Bay, triage again!! CT Scan, more injections, MORE blood!!! Then the wait ... cant rush these things. Was to be admitted but they tend to watch you for awhile before admission. 2am eventually sent my wonderful and exhausted husband to friends place to sleep until we knew when admission was going to happen. It happened at 2.30am .. admission to CDU ... and those beds are sooo narrow lol By the time it was daylight, and Garry found where they had put me, I was ready to discharge myself. Lack of sleep, food, water, CUP OF TEA, and pain had me so agitated. I just wanted OUT! But the doctor and Garry ganged up on me, and I stayed. Eventually admitted to the ward, and OHHHHhhh, a comfortable bed, and so warm. So began the treatment .. NIL BY MOUTH! Never craved a cuppa so much before lol 24 hours later, clear fluids .. jelly was the only nice thing. Then fluids next day, then soft diet next day. In all of this, my temp spike, my blood pressure spiked and sent them in a spin when it hit 190/110 .. couldnt see the problem too much there. I has been higher. But Praise the Lord for a wonderful WONDERFUL husband, who drove, with wonderful friends, the hour or so drive home, then the hour or so drive back, to collect my correct BP medications. :) So now, am on priority 2 for next stage of diagnosis to rule out the big nasty one, and to see if the inflammation has cleared and everything else is good. And through all of this, Garry has been battling asthma, made worse by stress .. stress? What stress? :P Plus he was to have glucose test .. has delayed for now .. stress will make sugar levels soar .. and he has had sun spot/skin cancer. Life is certainly never .. still .. in our house hold :) But we keep praising Him :)
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 22:02:59 +0000

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