Let me dispute this negligent article: 9 Reasons why you need to - TopicsExpress


Let me dispute this negligent article: 9 Reasons why you need to calm down about Ebola in America: 1.) America has the infrastructure and technology to contain the outbreak. To which I reply HAVE YOU WATCHED THE NEWS TODAY?! Obviously not- the CDC has done a piss poor job containing it at all... hence a nurse who should have been in isolation is jet setting across the U.S. 2.) It is actually pretty difficult to catch. The new cases are more than tripling...one man is the U.S. has already infected at least 2. Look at what the WHO (World Health Organizations) is predicting! Obviously its easier to catch than they reveal hence the aids catching it in Africa wearing full suits and the nurses here. There is also proof it is mutating and can (if not partially already) be airborne. 3.) Contracting Ebola doesnt lead to automatic death. You can beat it. To which I reply GOOD LUCK!!! Ill take my chances trying to prevent it. The mortality rate is 50-90% so on average 70% likelihood you will DIE! 4.)Ebola has a high death rate but doesnt kill as many peopole as other infectious disease. I laughed hysterically when I read this and saw the chart. I hope eeryone will have enough sense to realize-YES THERE IS ONLY ONE DEATH IN THE U.S. COMPARED TO THE MILLIONS OF DEATHS FROM THE OTHER DISEASES BUT THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE OUTBREAK. You cant even put Ebola on the same chart! If they wouldve made this dumb chart after the first death of AIDS it would say the same thing- COMPLETE NONSENSE!!!! 5.) Ebola is not airborn. This disease is mutating and has a good chance (if not already) of mutating into an airborne disease. The more you spread the disease the more it mutates. By January There is to be over a MILLION deaths. In addition there are studies done on pigs and monkeys that are passing it one to another with no physical contact! 6.) This isnt the first Ebola outbreak, it is containable. OBVIOUSLY NOT! And no this isnt the first outbreak (look now they finally used the term OUTBREAK) but it is not the original strand that new cases are soaring at an unstoppable pace. We cant get ahead of it in Africa and now we just lost it here when the nurse potentially infected thousands jumping on a plane! 7.) Ebola has spread in Africa b/c of politics and culture, not b/c it is impossible to contain. There are reasons why it spread faster in Africa, Ill give ya that one but our health care system (as proven) is not ready for this pandemic and with ppl getting the misinformation it will only help spread this deadly disease! 8.) America has bigger health issues to worry about. Yes there are a lot of horrible diseases going on right now but NOTHING with the fatality rate as this and with the projection of new cases and deaths lingering within the next few MONTHS! This outbreak could topple the whole country let alone world! 9.) Its a distraction to all the good things happening around you. I feel like this shouldve been 8 reasons but for some strange reason they put this in there. SMH... Yes lets concentrate on all the great things going on right now...Health care reform, unemployment, ISIS, wars, etc, etc!!!!! I AM NOT TRYING TO START MASS HYSTERIA- PLEASE DONT RUN FOR THE HILLS BUT SEEK OUT THE INFORMATION FOR YOURSELF. These facts can be seen on the WHO webpage as well as others. neither hysteria nor negligence will solve anything. I am only trying to inform the ppl who make a joke about this and whom are not taking it seriously!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 01:02:21 +0000

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