Let me do this...... About fifteen years ago, while still in my - TopicsExpress


Let me do this...... About fifteen years ago, while still in my late twenties, I came into a startling revelation. I realized it was okay to be human......... I realized it was okay to be afraid. I realized it was okay to be insecure. I realized it was okay to be confused. I realized it was okay to have doubt. I realized it was okay to hurt. I realized it was okay to be disappointed. I realized it was okay to be angry. I realized it was okay to fail. I realized it was okay to cry. Most importantly, I realized it was okay to love. I realized that it was okay to take off the mask I had worn for so many years, stop trying to act like I had my life altogether, accept my shortcomings, and begin the process of actually being real. I had walked around like so many others saying, and doing the right things, because thats what I was supposed to do. However, no one knew that I was dying inside, and desparately screaming for help. It was then that I went back to my old teachings, and had to rediscover what God said about me as a person. See, the only individual qualified to name a thing is the Creator of that thing, so I had to go find out what my Creator said about me. I found out He cared even if no one else did. He loved me even if no one else did, and He made me to be strong in spite of all my weaknesses. When I realized that, my life changed. I was no longer bound by the fake, shifting opinions of others, because they had no right to tell me who I was. Only God could do that, and He thought highly of me. Thats why I stand strong in all that I do, and have no fear of what others think, because many people who we look up to are actually in a lower state of self awareness than we are, and THEY need to be helped. So, whoever you are today, realize this. You dont need to be inspired, pumped up, or told about how wonderful you are. All you need to do is be you....... God created you to be who you are WITHOUT approval from anyone else. Let Him make you what He intended for you to be. There are people depending on you to do so. Real Talk. Peace..............
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 18:58:19 +0000

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