Let me elaborate on my post about praying, (please read this - TopicsExpress


Let me elaborate on my post about praying, (please read this entire post if you wish to comment). I know people are taking it the wrong way, so let me clarify: If praying is what gets you through, then keep praying! Im not saying there isnt a God. Im saying that I dont think an advanced being would put us on Earth to ask It for help. I firmly believe that we will never be handed more in life than we can overcome, and we are given free will to do as we chose to overcome these challenges. I believe that the concept of praying is on a subconscious level, actually taking energy or power AWAY from yourself, as the act of praying in itself is in a way telling yourself that you dont have the strength to get through on your own. Praying, as well as all other aspects of religion is created in the minds of humans, and they are simply the human interpretation of something we cannot understand. We have come to believe in and live by the interpretations made by other humans, rather than create our own unique ideas of spirituality. Praying is essentially telling yourself that you are not strong enough to handle a certain challenge of life. The Bible says that we are created in the image of our creator. This would mean that we are given all the power and strength we need to make it through life on our own. I strongly believe that the act of praying in itself can actually hinder our own progress. Again, I am not by any means denying the existence of any God, I am saying that I dont think it would make sense for a being to create us, and then have us ask for his help whenever we face a challenge. If God is omnipotent, as most of us believe, than that would mean he is everywhere at all times, and therefore is already within us at all times. The principles of all religions and Gods are basically Be happy, but not at the expense of others. So with that being said, I believe if we are doing our best, without harming others, that the spirit is ALREADY within us. As long as we continue on the right path, the spirit will remain within us. I think the act of praying derived from a form of mediation that allows us to free our minds and improve our connection to the divine Spirit of everything - whichever way you interpret your God, whether it be Christ, Buddha, Allah, or even multiple Gods as many civilizations still believe that everything has a God.. I strongly believe that if we are making the correct choices, that we will remain connected to the universal energy that is God. I believe that we are already given all the strength we ever need, but we must maintain our connection to God/universal energy in order to have the right energy and strength to make it through. Therefore, we already possess all the strength we will ever need, and that the act and concept of praying is detrimental to us, because it is a form of admitting we dont have the strength to make it on our own. How do we even know that we are supposed to be praying? Again, its all based on human interpretation. The Bible wasnt written by God or Jesus, but it was written by humans, in their interpretations, and their stories of what they saw or experienced, therefore leaving much room for human error. My point is BELIEVE IN YOURSELVES! YOU HAVE ALL THE STRENGTH AND POWER YOU NEED TO MAKE IT THROUGH. LIVE BY THE PRINCIPLES WE WERE TAUGHT THROUGH YOUR OWN PERSONAL RELIGION, BE HAPPY BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS, AND YOU WILL REMAIN CONNECTED TO THE UNIVERSAL ENERGY THAT EVERY RELIGION HAS A DIFFERENT NAME FOR. Once again - believe in yourselves, for you will never be handed a hand of cards that you cannot play as long as you make the right moves! I hope this clarifies things a little bit. And one last time for good luck.. BELIEVE IN YOURSELVES - NO MATTER WHAT OBSTACLE COMES YOUR WAY. ALL YOU WILL EVER NEED IS ALREADY WITHIN YOU.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:22:04 +0000

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