Let me encourage someone who is waiting to get a good job, drive a - TopicsExpress


Let me encourage someone who is waiting to get a good job, drive a big car, live in that big house in order to qualify themselves as successful in life or in order to be happy... What is life Success? Let me take you through my journey to what I call life success today... This is my story. My prayer is that may it find its relevancy in your situation and help you realize how we have allowed things that have nothing to do with our success and our happiness has everything to do with it. HER LADDER TO SUCCESS! Being born in the rural areas, her mom was self employed, She had the courage to shame poverty by innovative thinking, she never strived for much but just to get them education and food to eat. Ntsako got the education now what? Being the last born, her sisters got married, left home and now living with their husbands taking care of their kids. Her brothers are working but not getting even enough for themselves, they have mouths to feed but with what? She is the only one working in an “office”, at least by now she should have accumulated much, considering her years of working... She met one of her friends one day and he asked her Where is your car? Im sure you are driving by now humbly she said Not yet and he pursued the conversation further to say kuna loyi aku dyelaka Mali meaning there has to be someone spending her money on her behalf. Her friends she graduated with got good paying jobs drive good cars, but her! She had to start at the bottom, worked with a man who gave her enough just for herself, rented a room close to work, after few months he couldnt pay her, said he had financial problems, but with financial problems, he still managed to throw parties every weekends, he just couldnt afford her salary... It tore her apart having to ask money from home, knowing her moms salary was dependent on the mercy of other people. If it reached R500 a month it was luck! She knew that asking money from home will mean one thing and one thing only; her mother has to go around borrowing money she doesnt even know how she will return it. But she had to, how was she going to pay rent in a foreign land? She had to... At least it was walk-able distance to work; she would run back to the house during lunch and eat then go back to work One day God sent an angel her way, she met Elizabeth in one of their meetings at work, and she could see the care in Elizabeths eyes. Even though Elizabeth never really said it but compassion was written all over her face, in her mind Ntsako could see the Questions in Elizabeths mind What is a young bright girl like her doing here? Chatting with Elizabeth connected her to her next level. Elizabeth was fun and very open. Ntsako felt she could trust her. She told Elizabeth about how she hasn’t been receiving her salary for months now. Elizabeth wanted to assist. She told Ntsako that she has a lot of work to do and with no assistance. She offered to talk to her boss about hiring her as her assistance. Elizabeth took Ntsako’s CV and communicated with her boss. Ntsako was called for an interview, Elizabeths boss said to her in that interview You are still very young, are you sure you wont cry when you have too much work? She said No, I wont cry he then said I will start you on R5000 because you dont have experience. She worked 3years with Elizabeth. The environment was fun; she was introduced to the industry in a broader way. Elizabeth had it in her to groom her; she trained her on how things are done. With the little that she was getting she decided to save so that one day she can further her studies. What was success to her? She thought if she could further her studies then maybe she will get a better job then she will be able to take care of her siblings and her parents. She never believed that God has a different success for every individual. The General thought of everybody’s success shaped her perception for success. Like everybody else, she believed that with a degree things will fall into place. Was that God’s plan for her life? What was God’s plan for her success? Jeremiah 29:11 God says “I know the plans I have for you, they are plans to prosper you and give you hope for the future” how was God planning to prosper her? Nobody knew. If she knew she wouldn’t struggle. On the other hand she was double minded; “I have a heart for ministry work maybe I should go to missionary school and not go to further my studies” she asked for few advices, all were against the thought of her going for missionary. Finally she resigned, during her three years of working she managed to save some money for fees and accommodation. The money was not going to be enough for her to survive the whole year. She knew she had no one to ask for financial assistance from, but furthering her studies was a risk she had to take. Her last week as an employee before leaving for school full time, she wept. She cried to God saying “God, my help comes from you.” Deep down she knew God would carry her through, but she still had to face the battle in her mind of the voices saying “you will starve there, who is going to help you out?” Time to relocate came, Ntsako had to move to Johannesburg, hiring a truck and finding a place in Johannesburg cost her half of her savings. By the time she settles down she was only left with money to register and just to survive for few months. Ntsako decided to apply for a bursary at school. Because she got good grades for her Diploma she did get it. However the bursary took long to pay, days were hard. Studying while hungry is not child’s play. Finally the bursary paid, and it gave her allowance every month, it was enough for her to survive. Later in the year, she got an internship, adjusting to going back to training was a huge adjustment. Ntsako liked keeping herself busy, she loved challenge, the position was too slow for her. For some reason the people around her were intimidated. They never liked her because she was open minded. There were other interns there as well, and seniors would give everybody else task but her! They gave them PC’s but her! She felt lost, they never understood her character. There were months where she would even struggle to get someone to sign her time sheet. In her prayers she would say “God I know this Job pays my bills, but the environment is terrible. It is draining me every day. I pray that you change my situation” She would go to interviews, get job promises, but got turned down at the end. Ntsako never lost hope. She kept on believing that one day things will change. She remained content, the push to compare her success with her peers came, but she never gave in. One day she got a call saying one of her interview with a global company was successful; they will send her an offer. This was a big break for her. She was too excited that at least she would not be working as an intern anymore, new environment and new challenges. First few weeks were okay, she loved it there, they told her that they are waiting for some job then they will have a lot for her to do, but in the meantime she can assist by scanning some documents for record keeping because one of their server crushed and they did not have back-up for all the documents. What was intended to be a one week scanning turned into months of scanning, boxes kept piling up for her to scan. Nobody valued her anymore, day in day out she would stand on the scanning machine until her feet were swollen. Her colleagues made fun of her, some called her by the name of the scanning machine, others from other departments who used to visit her department and found her scanning made silly jokes when they meet her during breaks. This one guy met her at the canteen and said “Wow! You looking so different today” puzzled, she smiled and asked “why is that?” then He said “because you are not standing at the scanning machine” she felt crushed! She felt demoted, it hurt her that she is smart, she finished her diploma with record time, passed her Btech with Distinctions but no one was using her for her brains, her supervisor undermined her abilities. If he said he has work for her was either scanning, making copies, or doing some database that even a grade 4 leaner can do. Working there became sour, what felt like a testimony turned to be hell. Did she celebrate too soon? Sometimes the emotions were too overwhelming for her, she would spend her lunch time crying in the toilet, hiding from people’s comments, or praying for strength to carry on. At home they never knew about her misery, they were happy for her that she got a job, they were happy that she can at least buy food for them. She also never wanted to worry them, so she kept the issues to herself. One day she was talking to her friend about how terrible things are, about how everyday she feels drained, how she doesn’t feel like waking up in the morning. Her friend said to her, you know sometimes we pray for God to change situations that he is waiting for them to change us. Just pray for guidance, maybe God is building a certain part of your character, let him help you understand the lesson behind you being there. Her whole attitude changed, She learned to be strong and overlook a lot of things because she thought, at least I have a job, at least I can pay my bills. I should be grateful and God will move me when the time is right. It is hard, it is overwhelming, but I have to be strong. After looking at things from a different angle, scanning was not so much of a burden, she also recognized Joe. One of the seniors in her department, for some reason Joe believed in her. One day he went to the scanning machine as she was scanning and said “you know Ntsako, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to study what you are scanning, so that your mind doesn’t get bored” Ntsako started studying as she scans. If she had questions she would ask Joe for some clarity. Joe seemed like the man God placed to redeem her. He had time for her, he believed in her. One day Joe asked Ntsako’s supervisor if he could start giving her some work to do so that she stop scanning. Her supervisor bitterly said “No, what work could you possibly give her, she hasn’t even been to site?’ Joe said “but I thought she is here to learn, I don’t think there is a better time for us to start training her than giving her work to do, so that she asks when she has questions.” He then said ‘oh! Oryt, you can give her something to do’ that day she felt like Joe was her Moses, taking her to the promised land. Joe would give her something to do but once in a while, the rest of the times she would be scanning. She was too comfortable with Joe. She decided to draw as much knowledge as she can from Joe. She felt grateful to have recognized him… They say kindness brings things together it is like the force or the rope that binds people together. While Ntsako was scanning, a lot of people never regarded her as important, see they called her names, they thought she was isolating herself but she just realized that bad company corrupts good conduct, Ntsako would sit alone during lunch breaks, some who had the courage would come to her desk. The company she was working for, every year would retrench people, so one of the ladies in her department got a letter of retrenchment, Ntsako also felt like her turn was coming, since her contract was expiring in few months she thought her employer was just waiting for that then send her off. People in the office started neglecting the lady who was being retrenched. Ntsako could relate with people who are rejected, we dont know if ever it has to do with the fact that she faced rejection herself. She started hanging out with Nonthle. Nonthle was sweet and kind, she seemed to handle the issue of retrenchment pretty well. She told Ntsako that her hope and trust is in the LORD. It was a sad day for Ntsako when the day for Nonthle to do finally arrived. Ntsako had so much compassion for her, she wondered how will things turn out for her friend Nonthle but prayed for her. Nonthle left and took Ntsakos email address, they hugged good bye. A week later Ntsako received an email, oh! The excitement. It was her friend Nontle telling her she got a job and now working well in a big company in Johannesburg. Ntsako was very pleased with the news. In the email Nonthle asked how life was going. Ntsako said life is just okay. Strangely the friend asked her “and the job hunting, how is it going?” then she said “stressful, but well. Then Nonthle said “you know what! Call this company, they are looking for people, I’m sure they will take you there” Ntsako called that number, they called her for an interview, she got the job. Over the years Ntsako developed a passion for writing. She loved stories; she read a lot of stories and desired to write her own one day. She would go to work then write after work. Getting a new Job was good but her passion was divided. She never liked her qualification anymore, she would think to herself that it has never brought her any peace but misery and ill- treatment from people. She wanted to write. She wished she had enough money to drop everything else and just start writing full time. Maybe it was the environment she found herself in, the companies she worked for that drained her passion? Maybe if she got a better job it would have been better? Maybe her loss of passion was God’s way of saying ‘I never called you for this?” when was her break coming? Ntsako kept on pushing, with her passion of being a surveyor geting drained and drained every day. Then new company offered her an opportunity to work outside Gauteng. She was excited and felt change is just what she needed. The mine environment was very harsh for a young girl like her, there were all sorts of men, and day 1 she got into a fight with the head of the Security guards. He called her unexpectedly, he was not wearing any uniform, and she didnt know who he was so she just passed. He started shouting at her and accusing her of having attitude but she kept on moving. In her mind she thought it was one of those guys who are forever calling beautiful women for no reason. She said she wanted change, but site was not her Ideal kind of change. The place never had proper shops, during the day she would sit in the office container, and wait for the sun to go down. It was frustrating for her to learn that the Site Manager didnt even know why she was there- they sent her there but with no assignment. She stayed, first she had to share accommodation with a guy, she thought she can manage, “it’s one of those things one had to compromise”, she said. After one month her boss decided he wants to cut costs and moved them together with 3 guys in a small room. Of cause Ntsako was working with these guys but she never felt safe sharing a house with them taking into account that her bedroom door never had a key. She tried to call them and request to be moved to a much safer place but her boss said No, she must just come back when she doesnt want to work. We dont know whether it was anger talking or he felt he can never pay for extra just because she doesnt feel safe. Jacque was a very stubborn man, he was selfish, he loved money, he only cared about cutting costs, it never bothered him that he cut costs at what cost. He was a slave driver, he expected anyone to jump whenever he says something. He instructed Ntsako to come back with the driver who was to deliver materials the following day. But she felt it that he summoned her back just so he can find a reason to fire her. She got there and he was ready for her, he made it a point that she feels low, that she felt useless, calling her irresponsible, she didnt know what her fault was, but he pressed her from both angels. He cornered her but she kept strong! She tried by all means to be positive and not let his words of abuse define her. She told her heart not to hold on to his abusive words and not to mind the shouting. The more he shouts was the more she remained calm and that would hit him so hard. Always did what was required of her, she never gave him a reason to, he abused her but she kept calm, he then got frustrated with her calmness, he was irritated by her silence, she never showed anger nor joy and it got to him. He was fed up, he didn’t want her there anymore but he had no reason to fire her. PAUSE…. To be continued! What was God teaching me from all these? Purpose is success! I did my degree in the name of Theres money in Engineering have I found my money yet? My friend once asked me. God has a different kind of success for everyone and that success is what we call purpose. We are all born with it, all have unique abilities. What works for your neighbor might not be what He planned for you. Find God, Find Purpose, Find life Success! Where am I now in life? Where God intended me to be! Do I have that dream Job? No! Do I call myself succefful? I call myself very successful? Why? Because I have allowed Gods purpose for my life to deffine my success, I have found the peace of knowing Him and allowing Him to define my success, I have come to know that He planned and finished my success way before I was even born! Therefore I was BORN successful. Money doesnt define me, a good job doesn’t define me, big houses don’t define me. The God in me defines me. Am I saying people should not go to schools and better themselves? NO! Am I saying we shouldnt buy big Houses and Big cars? NO! Am saying let us be purpose driven, purpose brings both fulfilment and wealth, find God. Find purpose, Be Content! Be happy without all these things. Remember you are born with purpose and for a purpose. It doesn’t matter where you are, it doesn’t matter if you have all these things or not, what matters is your peace and joy is from God. And He freely gives it to you. You are BORN a WINNER.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 09:53:01 +0000

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