Let me explain something to you this Fabulous Friday morning.. - TopicsExpress


Let me explain something to you this Fabulous Friday morning.. If you feel like you have to hide what you do or a decision you made from the majority of your family and friends, because you are afraid of their judgment or comments or concern, or you just dont want to deal with them, then thats a decision or action that you probably should think long and hard on before you make, or allow someone to suggest to you. And people that are willing to suggest or go along complacently with your lie for no good reason- that right there should be a HUGE red flag for you. For BOTH of you. A person that will lie in front of you to family and friends- will lie about you behind your back. -Same thing- A person that will talk badly about their friends to you, will also have no problems talking about YOU and YOUR business behind your back- or in front of your face for that matter. I guarantee you probably are not the first person in the world faced with that decision but choosing to keep your information to yourself, instead of asking people that have already faced the good or bad consequences of that decision is just plain stupid. Its like walking into an obstacle course not knowing how long it is or what the obstacles will be and you are wearing a suit or dress, and no water to drink, but there is a map and instructions at the beginning of the course that you totally ignored. Lies- are lies- whether you think they may be good or bad- they are still lies- and when you tell yourself you are making a good decision based off of what you want and you keep it to yourself, you are really just LYING to yourself.. and that my friend is the WORST sort of lie to tell. Because at that point you have lost your moral compass- how then do you point yourself in the right direction for the rest of your journey?? If you think you are sparing yourself from the righteous indignation of others toward your decision, remember that, because when you do need help or advice- it wont be there for you as easily. Because those people know that sometimes- you cant tell people that know anything everything. Sometimes you have to fall on your own ass and help yourself get back up. Sometimes your family and friends will let you fall because you choose not to listen, and they will STILL help you back up, but if your dumb ass is wearing 3 inch heels- and you repeatedly fall and try to get back up- people will look at you like you are stupid when you repeatedly reach out your hand for help. Take off the dam 3 inch heels and help your own dam self up... because no one will stand by and let you pull them down with you because you cant take off the heels. And yes.. thats a metaphor for your crutch. People dont like to become enablers... !! When you choose to lie to someone you love- you remove their options to make the choice to either support you or to walk away. Its stealing their choice and there are few things more hurtful than finding out you have wasted your time or energy on someone that lied to you and didnt let you simply walk away or choose to invest their time in greater pursuits. Dont burn your bridges at both ends. ~ but you dont have to take my word for it....
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 14:01:01 +0000

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