Let me get this straight. I, a natural born American Citizen, have - TopicsExpress


Let me get this straight. I, a natural born American Citizen, have to become sensitive to the religion that brought down two towers, punched a hole in the Pentagon, blew a hole in the USS Cole, killed many a Christians in the name of Allah, wants to wipe Israel of the map, Kills three Navy SEALs and an US ambassador in Benghazi, an finally wants to kill my family and myself because we are not Muslim? I will not understand Islam nor will I make an assertive effort at it. Because of this Jihad every time I see somebody wearing that hajib crap I put as much distance between them as possible while scanning for wires and bulges. Is it paranoia? You might say that it is but I have my reasons. Why should I be sensitive or considerate to that? Just because we eat bacon and give women an education and have an age limit on intercourse doesnt mean that you can take my country and what I love out from underneath me. All I have to say to that is to grab all your friends at the worthless UN and your POS counties and MOLON LABE. On a side note all the illegals can take this Amnesty BS and leave the US. We speak English write it, speak it, and read it before you become a citizen.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 03:31:46 +0000

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