Let me introduce myself as the mortal who defeated both the - TopicsExpress


Let me introduce myself as the mortal who defeated both the christian God & their devil. Before you dismiss me as a lunatic, please hear me out....... last night, as I lay in bed, the christian God angrily approached me and demanded that I bow to him. I refused and an epic battle ensued. Just as I was about to deliver the death blow, I showed mercy and hesitated. At that moment, the christian Devil attacked from the side, but fortunately I was warned by my mere mortal wife before being destroyed. Again, an epic battle, I was pushed to the very edge, but at the last moment pulled out a victory. As the christian God & Devil lay defeated at my feet.... I struggled with whether to destroy them or to show mercy unlike they ever had. I chose mercy, maybe because I am mortal or possibly I saw the profit/prophet potential of a trilogy? Either way, both the christian God and Devil were defeated which would make me the ultimate overseer, right? Now...... if I believe it to be so and if I can get a few gullible morons to write an original book of my personal words which no one will ever read, but which will have multiple variations rewritten and preached....... it must mean it is absolute truth and I am the new christian deity? Right? ;)
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:37:43 +0000

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