Let me join Facts about me... 1. I was born premature .. Was - TopicsExpress


Let me join Facts about me... 1. I was born premature .. Was incubated for a day and the doctor saw how I was taking my moms milk..said she will survive 2. I started pre med( med tech ) , been wanting to become a doctor but my dad encouraged me to do nursing instead after 2 years in pre med.. 3.I always wrote in when asked what I wanted to become.. A wife and a mother.. But then all my friends were getting married and had kids and I was still single.. 4.I got married at age 33 yo.. to my neighbor and batch mate since kindergarten ..Quite late bloomer ... Ironical since I was born too early..married 2004 but my husband joined me in the US not until 2006. 5. Favorite cities Cebu, London and Chicago 6. I have 3 nephews that I am so proud of..and so blessed to have been part of their lives. 7. love so much.. But easily get hurt .. Quite sensitive.. I think one of my riches is my lacrimal gland...I always have abundance of tears and it comes out right away..sentimental, emotional. 8. I try to be honest to myself and disappoint some people but I always try to give what I can... When Im gone Id like people to remember me that I have never been selfish .. 9. If given another life.. Would like to become mother Theresa of Calcutta . 10. List is long .. Thankful being a wife to Choy .. Sister to daylyn, Toton and Kay , daughter of papa Dodo and mama Remy..and now a Mother to Baby Adel.. my faith is important.. Its my salvation..
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:26:59 +0000

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