Let me make this clear once again and I am sure I will have to - TopicsExpress


Let me make this clear once again and I am sure I will have to repeat this many more times. I am NOT part of ANY party. Im not a Democrat. Im not a Republican and I am just your average Joe, or Mike, from across the street or down the road. I am an independent contractor who just happens to have the constitution hanging on his kitchen wall and the American flag waving on my front porch. I was born and raised in this country by my Father, a decorated Vietnam vet. My entire family up until him have served in the military.Both my Uncles in Vietnam and both my grandfathers in WWII and so forth and so on all the way back to the civil war probably and I do not even KNOW what the difference between all this party crap other than it IS crap! WE THE PEOPLE should be focused on WHO is the best man or woman for the job despite whatever party they are a part of. All I know is this: This country is drowning in debt and its not the peoples fault. This country is ALWAYS at war with SOMEONE or invading weak, oil rich countries on the other side of the world and those people arent even bothering us. Were bothering THEM! And again, this is not the peoples fault. This country is losing jobs while more and more people become dependent on the government instead of the other way around and its not the peoples fault. This country has a law of the land, the constitution, and its being trampled on and picked apart and completely ignored like it never existed and its not the peoples fault. This country is policing the world, building an empire and spying on every living person on the planet and this is not the peoples fault. This country is being slowly taken over from within by corrupt politicians, illegal aliens and shady bankers who are driving out the middle class and dividing this nation into two groups...the rich and powerful...and the poor, helpless slaves. I am sorry if my trust in the government has finally run out for this guy and that includes ALL parties. Look what they have done! Actually, what they HAVENT done! I know there are Millions of Americans who feel the same way I do. Fed up.Pissed off and just down right disgusted with the way this country has become since the Reagan years. I say Reagan years NOT BECAUSE I am a fan or a Republican, but because that is when the trail of bread crumbs were started. The endless wars. The economy declining. No diplomatic peace talks among leaders before the invasions. All these laws and executive order put into place to protect us and to make us feel more secure. Ya right! I dont feel more secure OR protected getting off the plane and being raped by strangers to go home and be spied on at my computer and on my phone and I sure the hell dont get all warm and fuzzy inside knowing I can be executed without due process or detained indefinitely just because I write this post. WE ARE NOT THE ENEMY! WE ARE NOT THE TERRORISTS!!! Something is very wrong with this country and its NOT WE THE PEOPLE! Our only fault is that we allowed it to get THIS far. I, like most Americans, have been sitting around and waiting for SOMEONE...ANYONE, to step up and lead us all into battle here and take this country back and to re-establish the constitution like it is SUPPOSE to be according to the Bill of Rights and NOT by a corrupt, rogue government and totalitarian, socialistic leader who continues to snub his nose at the constitution of this country while forcing his agenda on US and making US pay for it ALL while he even wears a ring that says There is no God, except Allah . Can someone PLEASE tell me WHY this man is even IN office still? I was HOPING that SOMEONE within our government or otherwise, would have stepped up by now and done something about it, but no! Not one single person has done a damn thing about it! I figured the American people would have rose up and took to the streets like so many OTHER countries have already and had a coup by now and removed these people from office, but not one single person has been ousted to date and this scares me to know that our own acting government isnt doing anything about it, but they are ALL just letting it all happen like its nothing and its no big deal. To me, doing nothing is the same thing as supporting it and I am done supporting it and if any of the 535 or so members of congress was done supporting this broken system they TOO would do something about it, but they are NOT! SO! Democrats, Republicans and any other party that is currently holding a position of power and isnt doing anything about it or not upholding their oath to the constitution and the people are AL AT FAULT! Dont ya see? THEY are the problem! It is THEIR fault! It is only our fault if we allow or support it and when you support a party you dont support the constitution or a country like you should be. NOW! I hope everyone understands CLEARLY that I am NOT part of ANY party nor will I ever BE a part of one til either a NEW one is created and is successful or one the current ones proves themselves worthy and at this point, could be forever. So vote for ME! Im all about the constitution, the Bill of Rights, Country and the will of WE THE PEOPLE and NOT all about some party that just doesnt work anymore. Nothing more...nothing less.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 02:42:03 +0000

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