Let me reiterate my story, January 2013, email from 2nd line - TopicsExpress


Let me reiterate my story, January 2013, email from 2nd line managers stating transition best practice, bullet points about what to do, one bullet point was apply for lower grade roles as PPP this stands for pay and protection. So did this by applying for a CSE role in MARGATE. YES MARGATE. Had two screening calls which was basically asking if I was color blind, happy to work at height, fit that was about it. Then arrange for a day shadowing a MARGATE CSE. Then in what I now know was an error a role was promised. Then told no vacancies in my area, head of department got involved director level for my then group stating if a role had been promised it must be honoured, telling her HR resource to sort it. 3 months past with actions in background and hey presto training date given. Attended an induction, then told to go to Gloucester to collect van, on way back call from level 1 Jason, stating your starting pay is £xxk. I said no its not, have in writing no change of pay, his response never heard of this and it will be what was quoted, told him verbally no and to revert me to transition. No further contact apart from text asking for transition managers name and copy of email about pay. September 30th 2013, new contract through post stating new pay rete, email sent saying cant accept and to revert me to transition, he sent me an email stating case raised with HR. October pay reverted to previous amount, on two occassion on meeting with him asked about what decision had been reach so I could dispute, told issue with HR and have this in writing. After this whenever a meet happened a Chris was always present with manager....at this time being professional did not share with a third party present. January 2014, raised a grievance with HR, that was sent to second line manager, Michael....meeting attended in Croydon, raised issues and stated desired outcome, revert to transition as per original request. March 2014, manager Jason rang and asked me to meet him in McDonalds car park Sturry. I did this and had a coffe, clearly told as we sat at table, dont know the outcome, but I did take the letter off the printer...he then stated he would do everything to help secure another role, no response from me but why would he say this if he did not already know the outcome...20 min later handed me a letter and left. Grievance not upheld. A few weeks later moved to new manager, he asked about my issues which I shared with him and said an appeal had been raised, on the day of appeal hearing, new manager just happened to be present in Sevenoaks, same building and aligned time I arrived...he was wondering about the cafe area and when he saw me came over to talk....I deliberately sat the opposite side of building to avoid him, but as said he was wondering around the whole ground floor until he saw me. Appeal meeting held, no response in writing apart from still trying to arrange access to pre job adverts. August 2014, two applications for roles turned back reason lack of experience. September and October 2014, when meeting line manager raised issues again, was told while in a car park of the company, they are playing for time, theyre hoping you will shut up and go away, now you are in this group you are ring fenced and will not get out. All comments to questions raised... Mid October told moving teams to Margate based BAU team, while at Margate for 1;1 even told by manager will introduce me to Malcom...five days prior to move got email from Richard welcoming me to his team, he was the manager of Sittingborne team. On initial call shared my issues with him, again his response appears you have been disadvantaged and manipulated. Raised this with union, hey presto suddenly email from previous manager bringing my attention to a role and shortly after told by Richard moving teams again to the Canterbury manager Gary. Move took place 28th Novemeber, immediately started to get jobs in Faversham, Canterbury, Deal and Dover. Some first jobs in Margate, then jobs start to move out to this managers catchment area. Last job always in Faversham, Deal or Dover for last five weeks now. Told manager about this his response you have to give us one hour travel per day, told him I not an at home parker, told does not matter. This was not what I agreed to or applied for. There is the issue of I have a 15 min walk to get van, people who park at home do not. I applied for a role in Margate and they have manipulated this to give me a role in Canterbury. They simple do not like paying me my previous salary, after attempting to take it away and losing, they are now doing all they can to manipulate the situation, and I strongly believe they are attempting to push me over edge to leave. Well now confident of this I have stopped sharing anything with them, have raised to union and WILL NOT back down, walk away or be manipulated by a first, second or third line manager. Push too hard or try and manipulate the situation and see what happens, I will not walk away, back down or be bullied by a group... I have not agreed, signed or accepted your contract, I have put this in writing and told you what I want, this is my right and let me state clearly this was done after just eight days of moving roles and again in right within three months. Think carefully and act accordingly to my request. I will not back down, I will use my freedom of speech to fight in the public domain and will not be manipulated in any way. Nothing will stop me now....you really need to understand this....
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 09:44:15 +0000

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