Let me repost an update/note about my Facebook experience that I - TopicsExpress


Let me repost an update/note about my Facebook experience that I posted three years ago. I think its still relevant today. Enjoy. Social Media - My Facebook Experience Friends, I love Facebook and I extremely love Twitter. I love these because by training Im a marketing, public relations and communications practitioner and these are platforms/mediums within which I disseminate and market my views and opinions on issues. Whatever those issues are. It is for this same reason that I run my own Blog wherein most of my writings are kept. I just thought I should say this before I go any further. I was introduced to Facebook a few years ago by a dear friend of mine Mbadu Matiwane. By the time I started he and other friends were already pros of social networks. Social network gurus, as Mbadu would say. The only commentary that I felt comfortable posting at the time was topical political questions. This came naturally to me due to my participation in youth politics and my previous involvement in student politics. Im a political activist but I now rarely update about politics, hardly ever. I do however, from time to time, make comments on other peoples political updates. I personally took a decision not to make political updates on my Facebook wall, unless I feel it is absolutely necessary and I have an uncontrollable desire to put my two cents on a topical political discussion of the day. I took this decision because I firmly believe that theres more to life than endless rhetorical political discussions. That is why when you visit my Facebook Wall or my Twitter Timeline, youd see that my updates are about my daily life experiences, business, basic dry humour/sarcasm and/or about the Almighty God, amongst other things. Rarely politics. In fact, even in the real world I rarely socialize with POLOticians. Given my absolute love for social networks, theres quite a few cyber behavioral patterns that Ive noticed over the years. The one thing that Ive noticed, amongst others, and would like to share with you, is that both on Facebook and Twitter the people who seem to enjoy these networks more are users who understand humour and are not stiff. By not being stiff, I mean people who dont take everything too seriously and are not easily offended. Not that being offended is a crime, but at times as human beings we need to chill, loosen up a little, enjoy life and be a bit wowza. I have in the past deleted some of my Facebook updates because of the inboxes I received from people telling me that my post has offended them. Out of respect, love and care I deleted those offending posts. But people must learn to chill at times. We must learn to laugh at ourselves otherwise other people will occupy that space and laugh at us on our behalf. I, Sanele Zondi, am responsible for what I write but I am not responsible for what you understand and/or dont understand. Another cyber behavioral pattern that I have put under the microscope, is that of people who are dedicated to ruining other peoples dry humorous updates by just saying something serious. These people just dont have the appreciation or understanding for dry humour, and unfortunately dry humour is an acquired taste and very difficult to grasp like wine. I dont have much to say about these people, they must just stop what theyre doing. Stop it! These two social networks, Facebook and Twitter, are very powerful mediums and as individuals we use them for different reasons and/or intentions. We all must use them responsibly though. The irresponsible use of these social networks will only lead to your demise and not the demise of Facebook or Twitter. Im sure weve all seen pictures of people, sometimes people we know, being bandied about on Facebook and/or Twitter. Technology is very good but it can also destroy you and your future. Most importantly it can bring pain to your loved ones especially your family. Be careful. Update and tweet responsibly, your future boss could be following you on social media. Women, stop posting semi naked pictures of yourselves, its not cool. In life in general, what you do today has a direct impact/effect on what happens tomorrow. So again I say, be careful. Let us all chill, relax, loosen up, be wowza and enjoy these social networks. Importantly, let us do so responsibly. Follow me on Twitter @_SaneleZondi
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 14:18:00 +0000

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