Let me rile up the page, you know do what I am good at, pissing - TopicsExpress


Let me rile up the page, you know do what I am good at, pissing people off... In the following and first screenshot youre going to see Raquel state that Brandons family filed reports of abuse in May, which I struggle with. Why would Brandons family report a situation regarding his son when he was with him just the day before MAY ended? Further, there are a FEW chats on FB between Brandon and Meagan up and through one week prior to Cotlon being discovered. I struggle with that. But I also know that Brandon is a very young man and that he had struggled with Meagan to see his son, so many young women use children as pawns. Brandon didnt know what to do and I know he tried to the best of his ability to deal with this tragedy. I do feel for him. The second screenshot is an excerpt captured on the reports page, stating that in TWO years only SIX reports were made, the final one in June. I struggle with that. Its difficult to surmise that what the family states actually occurred regarding reports to DHS, the last one being in June. If everyone in the family reported as per Raquels own words, there would be a far greater number than six. I struggle with that. I do know that Raquel made quite a few phone calls to the authorities, hence my apology to her for stating she did nothing, BUT she didnt get off of her arse and make an effort to HAND CARRY that photo to any police department, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN REACTION. Lets not forget that those we pay to serve and protect us are FATHERS, MOTHERS, AUNTS AND UNCLES, the very same thing that Colton had at his disposal. Thing is these people wouldnt have haggered, there would have been immediate reaction. OH THATS RIGHT THERE WAS IMMEDIATE ACTION. I like many of you have trolled Raquels FB, from April 29, 2014 on and I do not see where any effort was made on a broad and PUBLIC scale to kindly reel Meagan in. Those photos had rested before your eyes woman, you are a nurturer, appear to be a good Mom and yet you didnt take appropriate action to save this little boy. You can call it what you will, but your story is in the public arena and when an ally of yours (another woman) or a peer of yours takes a long hard look at you, it is easy to discern that you ARE NOT the best Judge of what a child deserves. You could have saved four, four young children whom you claim to love from your sick brother, but you didnt. They suffered, right under your nose and I could give a rats arse whether you were half way around the world, YOU COULD HAVE DONE MORE, aside making a phone call that disrupted young lives. You dont stop at phone calls, which you did IN BOTH OF THESE TRAGEDIES, you picked up a phone, LOVE MEANS FAR MORE THAN THAT. YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN. And finally. You people that question what I do NOW and what Ive done mean nothing to me. I havent claimed to change any laws YET, I dont lead people to conceive that I may accomplish anything. You state Coltons Law as a definite, which it is far from. Regarding wasting your efforts on the MURDER petition, get educated and drop it, we should be pushing for Meagan and Mike getting the maximum amount of sentence for each charge currently, we should be pushing that as opposed to consolidation, these charges are consecutive in that the PATHETIC woman YOUR FAMILY gave to this angel never walks the streets of freedom EVER AGAIN. My books are of NO CONCERN of yours and youd know the damn story behind the one you preach if you had a brain. I work for a living, my babies are GROWN and somewhat successful, one of them is still in school, will finish February. My grandchildren love me as much as my children do and know me as well. My niece that is 3 years old loves me and I know her well. There are several children in my extended family that love me, they count in my world. AND RIGHT THIS DAMN MINUTE I KNOW WHERE MANY CHILDREN ARE, and that they safe, even those with Moms that are on their second chance, which is where Meagan could have been had YOU Raquel helped her as opposed to appease her. UNDERSTAND ME.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 23:31:39 +0000

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