Let me say, Pritam was my most favorite contestant,but week by - TopicsExpress


Let me say, Pritam was my most favorite contestant,but week by week his actions,words hurted me more & more, And i slowly realised dat i was liking a Poisonous Snake called Pritam,who will sell his SOUL for devil, if d devil offers him FAVOURS... Who is Pritam??? 1.Typical Male Chauvinistic Person... Deep down in his heart he considers females as a weakest gender, because Whenever pritam wants to mock any male contestant ,he will immediately ask dat guy to Go wear Bangles... My dear pyaare,just by wearing a bangle u wont become A gal...to become a female gender u need some Qualities. Which u will never and ever possess in this lifetime Mr.Pritam loser... 2. An Abuser... Imagine if in front of all those cameras Pritam can twist Dimpys hand and threaten to break her face ,, Then God alone knows what he would have done to Dimpy if she was alone & der were no cameras .. I m 100% sure Pritam would have broke dimpys 206 bones... 3.Un faithful & Un trust worthy Guy:- Throughout his entire stay, Praneet was hanging and looking out for Pritam like a brother...So what did Pritam do to praneet.. Simple Pritam backstabbed praneet ,whenever he got a chance..During captains nomination he thrower praneet under bus ...During eviction voting, in order to Save his skin,he convinced Karishma,dat praneet is weakest, and atlast Praneet got booted out... One thing is evident just to Advance in life and reach new heights he will EVEN SELL HIS SOUL TO DEVIL... 4. He is Number 1 Coward:- If Pritam was A pure Gentleman den he would said to Ali dat let me & gautam fight this torture task MAN TO MAN...Let the person who has more physical power wins d task fairly & Squarely... But instead of doing dis Pritam was whining dat y mehak was helping Gulati,,he even sent Ali to do his dirty job... Thats a true sign of Coward. He wont face his opponent directly, rather he will use crooked ways to pull down his opponent.. In short ,people like pritam are hypocrites and opportunistic... in order to show Dem clean and good in front of others ,they wont mind popping the air out of ur balloon, or even bursting d ballon itself...
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:56:54 +0000

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