Let me say this for somebody that may be experiencing some church - TopicsExpress


Let me say this for somebody that may be experiencing some church hurt right now. I hear this a lot. Firstly, let me be clear. Not everyone who leaves a place is leaving out of the will of God. Some have to go from a place to meet the Lord in another place for the purpose of growth or education. God will separate to educate many of the time. Just think of the prodigal son who left home and came back; He found himself in a place where he had to come to himself. Others may leave a place and it was expected of them and they were blessed by their leadership, because it was their time. Then others leave because they are in a state of rebellion or offense in which you must just pray for them. God can still reach them and send them back in repentance, or he can send them to another place where they can start over anew having got the revelation and having learned from their experience. WHATEVER THE CASE, we should not give up on anybody, because God did not give up on us. Can you imagine God giving up on you? How would you feel about that? The church is like a hospital where people come to get well (sort of speak). The church is full of people who are all on different levels of their faith walk. We are all imperfect people being perfected daily by the Word of God. Not everyone is on the same level of faith or understanding as someone else, BUT YET WE GROW TOGETHER. Apostle Paul understood this too, for he made a statement in Galatians 6 saying Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Notice what he says though: YE WHICH ARE SPIRITUAL, restore such an one-- but that we are also to consider ourselves in the process. Those of us with the maturity in the Spirit are to help guide the one that may still yet be weak in the faith. PRAY them through-- not beating them up or ostracizing them and making them feel worse. Let people grow!! Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 02:51:44 +0000

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