Let me share the story of my new Hammond. Ive been playing, or - TopicsExpress


Let me share the story of my new Hammond. Ive been playing, or playing at, organ for a couple of years. My interest is in both the blues, etc. that I play, and Gospel music. Every church I was in as a child had a Hammond organ, so to me its the sound of church. My Aunt Beverly was an amazing Gospel organist. Over the years, though, the Hammond has been supplanted by praise and worship bands playing contemporary Christian music and the old gospel songs are not sung any more. I miss them, so Im sort of on a one-man mission to preserve the tradition. Im blessed to be part of a congregation that actually sings the old songs, but we have just a pianist for accompaniment, so Ive been wanting to find a Hammond that I could put in the church and add that to the mix. So a few weeks ago I saw an ad in Craigslist for this C-2 and tone cabinet (amplifier) that the Korean Church of the Nazarene in Mass. was selling for $1200.00. Fagedaboutit, I couldnt afford that. And yet...I felt an inner urging, from the Holy Spirit I believed, to look into it. I sent an email of inquiry. The pastor, Kyung Lyul Yu, called me back, and I made an arrangement to go see the organ. The organ was in beautiful shape, of course, but the church hasnt used it in eight or nine years. When I met with Pastor Yu, I explained the reasons why I believed he would have a hard time finding a buyer for the rig; very few people want Hammonds anymore because they are heavy, expensive to maintain, and electronic clones can get close enough to the Hammond sound without those drawbacks. I told him why I wanted a Hammond instead of using my own clone in church - the bass pedals. (You knew that was coming, didnt you?) Then I told him that I had no money; but that if, in fact, he was unable to sell the organ, would he please consider letting me have it to put in my church. He said he would, and he would talk to others - probably church board members - about it. I didnt hear anything for a couple of weeks, and the Craigslist ad stayed in. I figured they were holding out for a buyer I looked around for other organs, but none were what I wanted, and I still felt that I had been prompted by the Lord to do what I had done about the C-2. I stopped looking and waited. Monday the pastor called me. He said that theyd decided not to wait for a buyer, that they wanted me to have the organ, and I should come get it. So I am, Saturday, and its going right into my little church here in East Pittston. Im so excited I can hardly stand myself. And all the thanks and praise go to the Lord for this gift.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 11:17:12 +0000

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